CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Talk to Me Girl

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Phrased Intermediate
Raegan Kalasz (USA) - November 2023
The Way I Are (feat. Keri Hilson & D.O.E.) (Timbaland vs. Nephew) - Timbaland featuring D.O.E. & Keri Hilson
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Part A: 32 counts
Part B: 32 counts
Intro: 32 counts (after initial beat drop, start dance on the lyrics)

Sequence: AAB AAB AAA

Part A: 32 counts
[1-8] ½ Turn Chug L, ½ Turn Chug R, Hitch R, ¼ Turn Hitch R, Jump Out and In
&1,2Press RF to R side, recover onto LF with ¼ R over R shoulder, Press RF to R side, recover onto LF with ¼ R over R shoulder
&3,4Press LF to L side, recover onto RF with ¼ L over L shoulder, Press LF to L side, recover onto RF with ¼ L over L shoulder
5, 6Lift R knee beside LF, turn ¼ R lifting R knee beside LF
7, 8Jump both feet out shoulder-width apart, feet collect together (weight LF)

[9-16] Kick Ball Point R, Kick Ball Point L, R Turning Grapevine ¼ , Reverse Body Roll
1&2Kick RF forward, step RF in place (&), point L toes to L side
3&4Kick LF forward, step LF in place (&), point R toes to R side
5&6&step R diagonally behind L, step L to L side making ¼ turn L, step R forward, step LF together
7, 8body roll from bottom to top/knees to head

[17-24] Rocking Chair R, Wizard R, Wizard L
1, 2Rock R forward, Recover onto L
3, 4Rock R back, Recover onto L
5&6Step RF diagonally forward, step LF behind RF (lock), step RF diagonally forward
7&8Step LF diagonally forward, step RF behind LF (lock), step LF diagonally forward

[25-32] ½ Pivot L, Heel Pop, Jump Out, Cross R Over L, ¾ Turn L Unravel
1, 2Step RF forward, pivot ½ turn over L shoulder, (shift weight L)
3&4Step RF together, lift heels up bending at the knees, heels back down
5, 6Jump both feet out shoulder-width apart, jump feet together R in front of L
7, 8Unravel turn ¾ over L shoulder, weight on LF

Part B: 32 counts
[1-8] Applejacks R L R R, Heel Jack L, Heel Jack R,
1&2&R heel forward fanning R toes out to R side whilst turning L heel in, return both heel and toes to centre, L heel forward fanning L toes out to R side whilst turning L heel in, return both heel and toes to center
3&4R heel forward fanning R toes out to R side whilst turning L heel in, return both heel and toes to center, R heel forward fanning R toes out to R side whilst turning L heel in
&5&6Shift weight to RF, cross L over R, step RF to the side, touch L heel diagonally in front
&7&8Step LF next to RF, cross RF over LF, step L foot out to the side, touch R heel diagonally in front

[9-16] Sailor R, Sailor L, Pivot R ½ (L), Full Spin (L) over L shoulder
1&2Cross RF behind LF, step LF to L side (&), step RF to R side
3&4Cross LF behind RF, step RF to R side (&), step LF to L side
5, 6Step RF forward, turn ½ L over L shoulder
7, 8Make a full spin L over L shoulder for 2 counts bringing RF beside LF

[17-24] Applejacks R L R R, Heel Jack L, Heel Jack R,
1&2&R heel forward fanning R toes out to R side whilst turning L heel in, return both heel and toes to centre, L heel forward fanning L toes out to R side whilst turning L heel in, return both heel and toes to center
&3&4R heel forward fanning R toes out to R side whilst turning L heel in, return both heel and toes to center, R heel forward fanning R toes out to R side whilst turning L heel in
&5&6Shift weight to RF, cross L over R, step RF to the side, touch L heel diagonally in front
&7&8Step LF next to RF, cross RF over LF, step L foot out to the side, touch R heel diagonally in front

[25-32] Sailor R, Sailor ¼ L, ½ Turn L, Hip Shake x2
1&2Cross RF behind LF, step LF to L side (&), step RF to R side
3&4Cross LF behind RF, step RF to R side (&), step LF to L side turning ¼ L
5, 6Turn ½ over L shoulder to step back on RF, drag LF together to RF
7, 8Shake hips x2 (weight ends on RF)


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