Intermediate / Advanced
Intro: 16 Counts, Start at approx 17 secs
SEC 1 Contract, Side, ¼ Fallway, Step Arabesque, Step ¾ Unwind Sweep, Weave, Side Lift, ⅛ Step, Point
1-2Collapse body forward, step right to right
3&aTurn ⅛ left step left back, step right back, turn ⅛ left step left to left (9:00)
4Step right forward lifting left back
Arms Circle left arm forward
5Step left forward unwind ¾ right sweeping right from front to back (6:00)
6&aStep right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left
7Step left to left lifting right forward ⅛ to right diagonal (7:30)
8&Step right forward, point left to left
SEC 2 Step, Point, ⅜ Jazzbox, Hitch, Run x3, Step Sweep, ½ Sweep, Sailor Step, Arms
1&Step left forward, point right to right
2&aCross right over left, step left back ⅜, right step right forward (12:00)
3Step left forward hitching right knee
4&aStep right forward, step left forward, step right forward
5Step left forward sweeping right from back to front
6Turn ½ left step right beside left sweeping left from front to back (6:00)
7&aStep left behind right, step right to right, step left to left
8&aHold (8), Reach right arm up (&), reach left arm up (a)
*Restart Here on Wall 3 (close right foot together with left foot to restart)
SEC 3 Point, Rolling Vine Lift ⅛, Back Lock, ⅜ Fallaway, Lunge, ½ Step Hitch
1pull both arms down to the left side, point right to right
2aTurn ¼ right step right forward, turn ½ right step left back (3:00)
3Turn ⅜ right step right to right lifting left to back (7:30)
Arms Lift right arm up to right diagonal
4a5Step left back, right cross right over left, step left back (7:30)
&a6Step right back, step left back, turn ⅛ right step right to right,
&a7Turn ⅛ right step left forward, step right forward, turn ⅛ right step left to left into a lunge (12:00)
8Turn ¼ right step right forward turn ¼ right hitching left knee (6:00)
SEC 4 Cross Shuffle, Side, Rolling Vine ½ Side Sweep, ½, Sailor Step, Step, Together
1a2Cross left over right, step right beside left, cross left over right
3Step right to right prepping body right
4&aTurn ¼ left step left forward, turn ½ left step right back, turn ¼ left step left to left (6:00)
*Restart Here on Walls 2 and 5 (Note: the music slows down)
5Turn ½ left step right to right sweeping left from front to back (12:00)
6a7Step left behind right ¼ , turn ¼ left step right to right, step left travelling forward (6:00)
8aStep right forward, step left beside right
SEC 1 Contract, Side, ¼ Fallway, Step Arabesque, Step ¾ Unwind Sweep, Weave, Side Lift, ⅛ Step, Point
1-2Collapse body forward, step right to right
3&aTurn ⅛ left step left back, step right back, turn ⅛ left step left to left (9:00)
4Step right forward lifting left back
Arms Circle left arm forward
5Step left forward unwind ¾ right sweeping right from front to back (6:00)
6&aStep right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left
7Step left to left lifting right forward ⅛ to right diagonal (7:30)
8&Step right forward, point left to left
SEC 2 Step, Point, ⅜ Jazzbox, Hitch, Run x3, Step Sweep, ½ Sweep, Sailor Step, Arms
1&Step left forward, point right to right
2&aCross right over left, step left back ⅜, right step right forward (12:00)
3Step left forward hitching right knee
4&aStep right forward, step left forward, step right forward
5Step left forward sweeping right from back to front
6Turn ½ left step right beside left sweeping left from front to back (6:00)
7&aStep left behind right, step right to right, step left to left
8&aHold (8), Reach right arm up (&), reach left arm up (a)
*Restart Here on Wall 3 (close right foot together with left foot to restart)
SEC 3 Point, Rolling Vine Lift ⅛, Back Lock, ⅜ Fallaway, Lunge, ½ Step Hitch
1pull both arms down to the left side, point right to right
2aTurn ¼ right step right forward, turn ½ right step left back (3:00)
3Turn ⅜ right step right to right lifting left to back (7:30)
Arms Lift right arm up to right diagonal
4a5Step left back, right cross right over left, step left back (7:30)
&a6Step right back, step left back, turn ⅛ right step right to right,
&a7Turn ⅛ right step left forward, step right forward, turn ⅛ right step left to left into a lunge (12:00)
8Turn ¼ right step right forward turn ¼ right hitching left knee (6:00)
SEC 4 Cross Shuffle, Side, Rolling Vine ½ Side Sweep, ½, Sailor Step, Step, Together
1a2Cross left over right, step right beside left, cross left over right
3Step right to right prepping body right
4&aTurn ¼ left step left forward, turn ½ left step right back, turn ¼ left step left to left (6:00)
*Restart Here on Walls 2 and 5 (Note: the music slows down)
5Turn ½ left step right to right sweeping left from front to back (12:00)
6a7Step left behind right ¼ , turn ¼ left step right to right, step left travelling forward (6:00)
8aStep right forward, step left beside right