Tag 1 on wall 2 after 32 counts
Bridge (tag) on wall 4 after 32 counts
Tag 2 on wall 5 after 32 counts
You can hear these from the music
The tag and bridge don’t feel that long and are super fun if you like arm movements!
Sequence: 48, 32+16 count tag, 48, 32+16 count bridge, 30, 2 count tag, 48, 5 + ending
Scroll down to see more specifics about the tag, bridge and the restart
Start the dance with the lyrics after 8 counts
[1-8]: Cross hitch, cross, side, drag together, cross rocks, ¼ turn
1,2Cross RF over LF as you hitch LF (1), cross LF over RF (2)
3,4&Step RF to side (3), drag LF next to RF (4), Step LF next to RF (&)
5,6&Cross rock RF over LF (5), recover weight to LF (6), step RF next to LF (&)
7,8Cross rock LF over RF (7), recover weight to RF(&)
&¼ turn left stepping LF forward (&) 9.00
[9-17]: Step, step ½ turn, together, step, ½ turn, 3/8 turn, rock, recover, coaster step
1,2Step RF forward (1), step LF forward (2) 3.00
&3½ turn right stepping RF next to LF (&), step LF forward (3)
4½ turn left stepping back RF (4) 9.00
5,6 3/8 turn left stepping LF forward (5), rock RF forward (6) 4.30
7,8Recover weight to LF (7), step back RF (8)
&1Step LF next to RF (&), step RF forward (1)
[18-24]: Step, ½ pivot, step, touch behind, Unwind ¾ turn, sweep, behind, 3/8 turn
2,3Step LF forward (2), pivot ½ turn right transferring weight to RF (3) 10.30
4,5Step LF forward (4), touch RF behind LF prepping upper body to left (5)
6Unwind ¾ turn right on LF sweeping RF from front to back (6) 7:30
7,8Cross RF behind LF (7), 3/8 turn left stepping LF forward (8) 3.00
[25-32]: ½ turn, sweep 3/8 turn, behind, side rock ¼ turn, recover, behind, side rock ¼ turn, back, point back, ½ turn, arm circle begins
1½ turn left stepping back RF (1)
& 3/8 turn left on RF sweeping LF from front to back (&) 4.30
2,3Step LF behind RF (2), rock RF to side turning ¼ to right (3)7.30
4&Recover weight to LF (4), step RF behind LF(&)
5,6rock LF to side turning ¼ left (5), recover weight to RF(6) 4.30
&Step back LF (&), point back RF preparing your R arm palm facing up (7)
8turn ½ right on LF at the same time starting a full circle with your R arm lifting it up in front hand palm facing down (8)
Technique tip: if you lead with the back of your wrist, you will not have to think about which way your palm is facing
Tag 1 happens here on wall 2 facing 6.00
Bridge happens here on wall 4 facing 6.00
Scroll down to see more specifics
[33-40]: Arm circles, arm pull, bow, hands forward, pull fists, hold, back, back
1Continue the R arm circle bringing R arm down from the back at the same time bringing your L arm along by lifting your L arm up in front hand palm facing down (1)
2Continue the arm circles lowering your L arm from the back as you lift your R arm up in front hand palm facing down (2)
3Make a fist with your R hand and pull it down taking a bow (3)
Important: it will help to do these arm circles if you open your body to whichever side your arm is going back
4Lift both hands in front hand palms facing down still bowing (4)
5Make a fist with both hands as you pull both fists down straightening the body (5)
6,7Hold (6), step back RF *(7)
8Step back LF preparing your R arm for another circle palm facing up(8)
Hold your feet position during counts 1-6
*Tag 2 happens here on wall 5, replace counts 7,8, to a back rock on RF (7), recover LF(8)
[33-48]: Point, ½ turn, arm circle, arm pull bow, hands forward, pull fists, hold, back rock, recover
1½ turn right on LF keeping RF pointing forward at the same time starting a circle with your R arm lifting it up in front (1)
2Finish the R arm circle lowering your R arm from the back as you lift your L arm up in front hand palm facing down (2)
3Make a fist with your L hand and pull it down taking a bow (3)
4Lift both hands in front hand palms facing down still bowing (4)
5,6Make a fist with both hands as you pull both hands down straightening the body (5), hold (6)
7,8Rock back RF (7), recover weight to LF (8)
Hold your feet position during counts 1-6
Tag happens on wall 2 after 32 counts facing 6.00, restart the dance after the tag facing 12.00
The bridge happens on wall 4 after 32 counts facing 6.00, do the same steps as in the tag until count 15, turn ½ left stepping LF forward, then start wall 5 from count 9 facing 9.00
[1-8]: Arm circle, arm pull, point finger, make a heart, back rock, recover
1½ turn right on LF RF pointing forward at the same time starting a circle with your R arm lifting it up in front and down from the back (1)
2Finish the R arm circle as you lift your L arm up in front hand palm facing up (2)
3Make a fist with your L hand and pull it down making a bow (3)
4,5Point R index finger forward (4), point R index finger to right diagonal forward (5)
6Make a heart shape with fingers of both hands on your heart (6)
7,8Rock back RF (7), recover weight to LF (8)
Hold your feet position during counts 1-6
[9-16]: Step, sweep, 1/8 turn, hitch, rock, recover, ball, ¼ turn, rock recover, ball, ½ turn, step, ½ turn, turn depending
1,2Step RF forward sweeping LF from back to front as you straighten to 12.00 (1), hitch LF (2)
3,4Rock LF forward (3), recover weight to RF (4)
&5Step LF next to RF (&), ¼ turn left rocking RF forward (5) 9.00
6&Recover weight to LF (5), ½ turn right stepping RF forward (&) 3.00
7,8Step LF forward (7), ½ turn left stepping RF back (8)
&¼ turn left stepping LF to side when doing the tag 1, ½ turn left stepping LF forward when doing the bridge (&)
Tag 2:
Happens on wall 5, which is 32 counts long, dance counts 9-36 from the basic dance, add back rock RF (7), recover weight to LF (8)
Start wall 6 after the tag 2, facing 12.00
Wall 7 starts facing 6.00, dance the dance until count 5, unwind ½ turn left to face the front wall (6)
Have fun dancing!
Last Update: 20 Jan 2025
Bridge (tag) on wall 4 after 32 counts
Tag 2 on wall 5 after 32 counts
You can hear these from the music
The tag and bridge don’t feel that long and are super fun if you like arm movements!
Sequence: 48, 32+16 count tag, 48, 32+16 count bridge, 30, 2 count tag, 48, 5 + ending
Scroll down to see more specifics about the tag, bridge and the restart
Start the dance with the lyrics after 8 counts
[1-8]: Cross hitch, cross, side, drag together, cross rocks, ¼ turn
1,2Cross RF over LF as you hitch LF (1), cross LF over RF (2)
3,4&Step RF to side (3), drag LF next to RF (4), Step LF next to RF (&)
5,6&Cross rock RF over LF (5), recover weight to LF (6), step RF next to LF (&)
7,8Cross rock LF over RF (7), recover weight to RF(&)
&¼ turn left stepping LF forward (&) 9.00
[9-17]: Step, step ½ turn, together, step, ½ turn, 3/8 turn, rock, recover, coaster step
1,2Step RF forward (1), step LF forward (2) 3.00
&3½ turn right stepping RF next to LF (&), step LF forward (3)
4½ turn left stepping back RF (4) 9.00
5,6 3/8 turn left stepping LF forward (5), rock RF forward (6) 4.30
7,8Recover weight to LF (7), step back RF (8)
&1Step LF next to RF (&), step RF forward (1)
[18-24]: Step, ½ pivot, step, touch behind, Unwind ¾ turn, sweep, behind, 3/8 turn
2,3Step LF forward (2), pivot ½ turn right transferring weight to RF (3) 10.30
4,5Step LF forward (4), touch RF behind LF prepping upper body to left (5)
6Unwind ¾ turn right on LF sweeping RF from front to back (6) 7:30
7,8Cross RF behind LF (7), 3/8 turn left stepping LF forward (8) 3.00
[25-32]: ½ turn, sweep 3/8 turn, behind, side rock ¼ turn, recover, behind, side rock ¼ turn, back, point back, ½ turn, arm circle begins
1½ turn left stepping back RF (1)
& 3/8 turn left on RF sweeping LF from front to back (&) 4.30
2,3Step LF behind RF (2), rock RF to side turning ¼ to right (3)7.30
4&Recover weight to LF (4), step RF behind LF(&)
5,6rock LF to side turning ¼ left (5), recover weight to RF(6) 4.30
&Step back LF (&), point back RF preparing your R arm palm facing up (7)
8turn ½ right on LF at the same time starting a full circle with your R arm lifting it up in front hand palm facing down (8)
Technique tip: if you lead with the back of your wrist, you will not have to think about which way your palm is facing
Tag 1 happens here on wall 2 facing 6.00
Bridge happens here on wall 4 facing 6.00
Scroll down to see more specifics
[33-40]: Arm circles, arm pull, bow, hands forward, pull fists, hold, back, back
1Continue the R arm circle bringing R arm down from the back at the same time bringing your L arm along by lifting your L arm up in front hand palm facing down (1)
2Continue the arm circles lowering your L arm from the back as you lift your R arm up in front hand palm facing down (2)
3Make a fist with your R hand and pull it down taking a bow (3)
Important: it will help to do these arm circles if you open your body to whichever side your arm is going back
4Lift both hands in front hand palms facing down still bowing (4)
5Make a fist with both hands as you pull both fists down straightening the body (5)
6,7Hold (6), step back RF *(7)
8Step back LF preparing your R arm for another circle palm facing up(8)
Hold your feet position during counts 1-6
*Tag 2 happens here on wall 5, replace counts 7,8, to a back rock on RF (7), recover LF(8)
[33-48]: Point, ½ turn, arm circle, arm pull bow, hands forward, pull fists, hold, back rock, recover
1½ turn right on LF keeping RF pointing forward at the same time starting a circle with your R arm lifting it up in front (1)
2Finish the R arm circle lowering your R arm from the back as you lift your L arm up in front hand palm facing down (2)
3Make a fist with your L hand and pull it down taking a bow (3)
4Lift both hands in front hand palms facing down still bowing (4)
5,6Make a fist with both hands as you pull both hands down straightening the body (5), hold (6)
7,8Rock back RF (7), recover weight to LF (8)
Hold your feet position during counts 1-6
Tag happens on wall 2 after 32 counts facing 6.00, restart the dance after the tag facing 12.00
The bridge happens on wall 4 after 32 counts facing 6.00, do the same steps as in the tag until count 15, turn ½ left stepping LF forward, then start wall 5 from count 9 facing 9.00
[1-8]: Arm circle, arm pull, point finger, make a heart, back rock, recover
1½ turn right on LF RF pointing forward at the same time starting a circle with your R arm lifting it up in front and down from the back (1)
2Finish the R arm circle as you lift your L arm up in front hand palm facing up (2)
3Make a fist with your L hand and pull it down making a bow (3)
4,5Point R index finger forward (4), point R index finger to right diagonal forward (5)
6Make a heart shape with fingers of both hands on your heart (6)
7,8Rock back RF (7), recover weight to LF (8)
Hold your feet position during counts 1-6
[9-16]: Step, sweep, 1/8 turn, hitch, rock, recover, ball, ¼ turn, rock recover, ball, ½ turn, step, ½ turn, turn depending
1,2Step RF forward sweeping LF from back to front as you straighten to 12.00 (1), hitch LF (2)
3,4Rock LF forward (3), recover weight to RF (4)
&5Step LF next to RF (&), ¼ turn left rocking RF forward (5) 9.00
6&Recover weight to LF (5), ½ turn right stepping RF forward (&) 3.00
7,8Step LF forward (7), ½ turn left stepping RF back (8)
&¼ turn left stepping LF to side when doing the tag 1, ½ turn left stepping LF forward when doing the bridge (&)
Tag 2:
Happens on wall 5, which is 32 counts long, dance counts 9-36 from the basic dance, add back rock RF (7), recover weight to LF (8)
Start wall 6 after the tag 2, facing 12.00
Wall 7 starts facing 6.00, dance the dance until count 5, unwind ½ turn left to face the front wall (6)
Have fun dancing!
Last Update: 20 Jan 2025