CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Sosban fach

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Alice Price (UK) - January 2025
Sosban Fach - DJ SG
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#4 tags
No restarts
#12 second intro

Section 1: Walk forward R,L,R, kick, Walk back L,R,L,R touch
1,2,3,4.Walk RF, LF, RF, kick LF forward
1,2,3,4.Step back onto LF,Walk backwards RF, LF, touch RF next to LF

Section 2: Grape vine right, side step, slide, swivel
1,2,3,4Step RF to right, LF behind RF, step RF out to right, touch LF next to RF
1,2,3,4Step LF to the left, slide RF to LF, swivel heels together right, swivel heels together left

Section 3: grapevine left, side step, slide, swivel
1,2,3,4step LF to left, RF behind LF, step LF out to left, touch RF next to LF
1,2,3,4.Steo RF to right, slide LF next to RF, swivel heels together right, swivel heels together left

Section 4: jump back right, jump back left, step heel, step toe
1,2,3,4.Jump back onto RF, touch LF next to RF, jump back onto LF, touch RF next to LF
1,2,3,4.Step back onto RF, touch L heel forward, step LF next to RF, touch R toe forward

#4 tags end of walls 2,4,6 & 7 Rocking chair
1,2,3,4rock forward onto RF, recover onto LF, rock back onto RF, recover onto LF


AliceP January 2, 2025
This dance works well with the music 'coffi du' by Gwibdaith Hen Fran. Dance without the tags. Dance it with your hands on your hips like a jig. Enjoy!

AliceP January 2, 2025
Music : Coffi Du (lyrics version) by Gwibdaith Hen Fran

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