Intro - 16 beats
S1. Rhumba box fwd R
1-2.Step R fwd, step L next to R
3-4.Step R to R, step L next to R
5-6.Step R back, step L next to R
7-8.Step L to L, step R next to L
S2. Weave L, side step L, cross step R
1-2.Step L to L, step R behind L
3-4.Step L to L, step R over L
5-6.Step L to L, step R next to L
7-8.Cross L over R, step R next to L
S3. Rhumba box fwd L
1-2.Step L fwd, step R next to L
3-4.Step L to L, step R next to L
5-6.Step L back, step R next to L
7-8.Step R to R, step L next to R
S4. Weave R, side step R, cross step L
1-2.Step R to R, step L behind R
3-4.Step R to R, step R over L
5-6.Step R to R, step L next to R
7-8.Cross R over L, step L next to R
S5. V step, side step R, L
1-2.Step R diagonally out R, step L diagonally out L
3-4.Step R diagonally back L, step L next to
5-6.Step R out R, step L next to R
7-8.Step L to out L, step R next to L
S6. Kick L over R, R over L, rock back, fwd, L kick ball step
1-2.Step R to R, kick L diagonally fwd R
3-4.Step L to L, kick R diagonally fwd L
5-6.Step R back, step L next to R
7&8.Kick R out fwd, step L down, step R next to L
S7. Jazz box cross, jazz box cross 1/4 turn R
1-2.Cross R over L, step L to L
3-4.Step R diagonally back R, step L next to R
5-6.Cross R over L, step L to R
7-8.Turning 1/4 R step R back, step L next to
S8. Fwd step, side step R, back step, side step L
1-2.Step R fwd, step L next to R
3-4.Step R out R, return next to L
5-6.Step L back, step R next to L
7-8.Step L out L, return next to R
On last S7. omit 1/4 turn R to finish facing 12 o’clock (then slow V step or similar to ‘oh yeah’ if you fancy)
S1. Rhumba box fwd R
1-2.Step R fwd, step L next to R
3-4.Step R to R, step L next to R
5-6.Step R back, step L next to R
7-8.Step L to L, step R next to L
S2. Weave L, side step L, cross step R
1-2.Step L to L, step R behind L
3-4.Step L to L, step R over L
5-6.Step L to L, step R next to L
7-8.Cross L over R, step R next to L
S3. Rhumba box fwd L
1-2.Step L fwd, step R next to L
3-4.Step L to L, step R next to L
5-6.Step L back, step R next to L
7-8.Step R to R, step L next to R
S4. Weave R, side step R, cross step L
1-2.Step R to R, step L behind R
3-4.Step R to R, step R over L
5-6.Step R to R, step L next to R
7-8.Cross R over L, step L next to R
S5. V step, side step R, L
1-2.Step R diagonally out R, step L diagonally out L
3-4.Step R diagonally back L, step L next to
5-6.Step R out R, step L next to R
7-8.Step L to out L, step R next to L
S6. Kick L over R, R over L, rock back, fwd, L kick ball step
1-2.Step R to R, kick L diagonally fwd R
3-4.Step L to L, kick R diagonally fwd L
5-6.Step R back, step L next to R
7&8.Kick R out fwd, step L down, step R next to L
S7. Jazz box cross, jazz box cross 1/4 turn R
1-2.Cross R over L, step L to L
3-4.Step R diagonally back R, step L next to R
5-6.Cross R over L, step L to R
7-8.Turning 1/4 R step R back, step L next to
S8. Fwd step, side step R, back step, side step L
1-2.Step R fwd, step L next to R
3-4.Step R out R, return next to L
5-6.Step L back, step R next to L
7-8.Step L out L, return next to R
On last S7. omit 1/4 turn R to finish facing 12 o’clock (then slow V step or similar to ‘oh yeah’ if you fancy)