Begin after 32 counts
* options for absolute beginners
R Botafogo, L cross point, modified jazz box with touch step
1&2*Step R across L (1), step ball of L to left (&), step R to right (2)
3-4Step L forward and across R (3), point R to right (4)
5-6*Step R across L (5), step L back (6)
7&8Step R to right (7), touch L to R (&), step L to left (8)
*(for absolute beginners, simply change counts 1-2 to a regular cross/point, and do a regular jazz box for counts 5-8)
Step lock (with knee pop) step, ¼ right step, behind side cross, L side rock/recover
1-2Step R forward (1), step L behind R, popping R knee (2)
3-4Step R forward (3), step L to left making ¼ right turn (4) (3:00)
5&6Step R behind L (5), step L to left (&), step R across L (6)
7-8Rock L to left (7), recover to R (8) (3:00)
L Botafogo, R cross point, modified jazz box with a drag and touch
1&2*Step L across R (1), step ball of R to right (&), step L to left (2)
3-4Step R across L (3), point L to left (4)
5-6Step L across R (5), step R back(6)
7-8Step L big step back and slightly left, and begin dragging R to L (7), touch R to L (8)
*(for absolute beginners, simply change counts 1-2 to a regular cross/point)
Kick ball change, 2 ¼ left pivots, walk forward RL
1&2Kick R forward (1), step ball of R to L (&), step L forward (2)
3-4Step R forward (3), pivot ¼ left, putting weight to L (4) (12:00)
5-6Step R forward (5), pivot ¼ left, putting weight to L (6) (9:00)
7-8Step R forward (7), step L forward (8)
Dance ends after 30 counts of Wall 13. To end at 12:00, simply do ⅛ pivot turns instead of ¼ turns on counts 27-30.
* options for absolute beginners
R Botafogo, L cross point, modified jazz box with touch step
1&2*Step R across L (1), step ball of L to left (&), step R to right (2)
3-4Step L forward and across R (3), point R to right (4)
5-6*Step R across L (5), step L back (6)
7&8Step R to right (7), touch L to R (&), step L to left (8)
*(for absolute beginners, simply change counts 1-2 to a regular cross/point, and do a regular jazz box for counts 5-8)
Step lock (with knee pop) step, ¼ right step, behind side cross, L side rock/recover
1-2Step R forward (1), step L behind R, popping R knee (2)
3-4Step R forward (3), step L to left making ¼ right turn (4) (3:00)
5&6Step R behind L (5), step L to left (&), step R across L (6)
7-8Rock L to left (7), recover to R (8) (3:00)
L Botafogo, R cross point, modified jazz box with a drag and touch
1&2*Step L across R (1), step ball of R to right (&), step L to left (2)
3-4Step R across L (3), point L to left (4)
5-6Step L across R (5), step R back(6)
7-8Step L big step back and slightly left, and begin dragging R to L (7), touch R to L (8)
*(for absolute beginners, simply change counts 1-2 to a regular cross/point)
Kick ball change, 2 ¼ left pivots, walk forward RL
1&2Kick R forward (1), step ball of R to L (&), step L forward (2)
3-4Step R forward (3), pivot ¼ left, putting weight to L (4) (12:00)
5-6Step R forward (5), pivot ¼ left, putting weight to L (6) (9:00)
7-8Step R forward (7), step L forward (8)
Dance ends after 30 counts of Wall 13. To end at 12:00, simply do ⅛ pivot turns instead of ¼ turns on counts 27-30.