Absolute Beginner
Dance 32c
Sec.1) R/L Skate-step, R/L Dorosy-step(Fwd shuffle)
1-2Skate-step R/L
3&4R Fwd shuffle
5-6Skate-step L/R
7&8L Fwd shuffle
Sec.2) Kick step with Lift Behind x4
1-2LF Jump In Place with RF Kick Forward(1), RF Step Forward with LF Lift Behind(2)
3-4RF Jump 1/8 Turn L with LF Kick Forward(1:30)(3), LF Step Forward with RF Lift Behind(4)
5-6LF Jump 1/8 Turn L with RF Kick Forward(3:00)(5), RF Step Forward with LF Lift Behind(6)
7-8RF Jump 1/4 Turn L with LF Kick Forward(6:00)(7), LF Step Forward(8)
Sec.3) R/L Vine Step, Hitch
1-4RF to R side(1), LF behind RF(2), RF to R side(3), Hitch LF(4)
5-8LF to L side(5), RF behind LF(6), LF to L side(7), Hitch RF(8)
Sec.4) Samba-step(Botafogo Step),Hip Roll (or Paddle) 1/2 Left, 1/4 Left
1-2Cross right over Left, Step left to left side, Step right diagonally fwd.
3-4Cross left over right, Step right to right side, Step left diagonally Fwd
5-6Step right forward, pivot (or Hip Roll) 1/2 left
7-8Step right forward, pivot (or Hip Roll) 1/4 left
Sec.1) R/L Skate-step, R/L Dorosy-step(Fwd shuffle)
1-2Skate-step R/L
3&4R Fwd shuffle
5-6Skate-step L/R
7&8L Fwd shuffle
Sec.2) Kick step with Lift Behind x4
1-2LF Jump In Place with RF Kick Forward(1), RF Step Forward with LF Lift Behind(2)
3-4RF Jump 1/8 Turn L with LF Kick Forward(1:30)(3), LF Step Forward with RF Lift Behind(4)
5-6LF Jump 1/8 Turn L with RF Kick Forward(3:00)(5), RF Step Forward with LF Lift Behind(6)
7-8RF Jump 1/4 Turn L with LF Kick Forward(6:00)(7), LF Step Forward(8)
Sec.3) R/L Vine Step, Hitch
1-4RF to R side(1), LF behind RF(2), RF to R side(3), Hitch LF(4)
5-8LF to L side(5), RF behind LF(6), LF to L side(7), Hitch RF(8)
Sec.4) Samba-step(Botafogo Step),Hip Roll (or Paddle) 1/2 Left, 1/4 Left
1-2Cross right over Left, Step left to left side, Step right diagonally fwd.
3-4Cross left over right, Step right to right side, Step left diagonally Fwd
5-6Step right forward, pivot (or Hip Roll) 1/2 left
7-8Step right forward, pivot (or Hip Roll) 1/4 left