Start dance after 8 counts:
Section 1:
1Step L forward facing (10.30)
2&3Cross R over L, step L, cross R behind L,
4&5Cross L behind R, step R to right, cross L over R facing (1.30)
6&7Recover R, step L to left, Cross R over L facing (10.30)
8&1Recover L, step R to right, cross L over R and making ½ right turn facing (7.30)
Section 2:
2&3 4&5Cross R over L, step L, recover R, cross L over R, step R, recover L still facing (7.30)
6&7Cross R over L, step L to side making 3/8 right turn facing (12.00), step R to right
&8&1Cross L over R, step R to right, cross L behind R, step R to right (with a big step)
Section 3:
2&3StepL together, step R together, step a big step L
4&5Step R together, step L together, step a big step R
6&7&8&1Step L forward, step R behind, Step L forward, step R behind, Step L forward, step R behind, Step L forward making a complete left circle
Section 4:
2&3Step R forward, pivot ½ left turn step L forward , step R forward(6.00)
4&5Step L forward, pivot ½ right turn step R forward, step L forward (12.00)
6&7&8&Rock R to right, recover L, step R together, rock L to left, recover R, touch L
Wall 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12 do section 1 only ( Count 1 to 8+ )
After Wall 9: hold for 1 count.....
Section 1:
1Step L forward facing (10.30)
2&3Cross R over L, step L, cross R behind L,
4&5Cross L behind R, step R to right, cross L over R facing (1.30)
6&7Recover R, step L to left, Cross R over L facing (10.30)
8&1Recover L, step R to right, cross L over R and making ½ right turn facing (7.30)
Section 2:
2&3 4&5Cross R over L, step L, recover R, cross L over R, step R, recover L still facing (7.30)
6&7Cross R over L, step L to side making 3/8 right turn facing (12.00), step R to right
&8&1Cross L over R, step R to right, cross L behind R, step R to right (with a big step)
Section 3:
2&3StepL together, step R together, step a big step L
4&5Step R together, step L together, step a big step R
6&7&8&1Step L forward, step R behind, Step L forward, step R behind, Step L forward, step R behind, Step L forward making a complete left circle
Section 4:
2&3Step R forward, pivot ½ left turn step L forward , step R forward(6.00)
4&5Step L forward, pivot ½ right turn step R forward, step L forward (12.00)
6&7&8&Rock R to right, recover L, step R together, rock L to left, recover R, touch L
Wall 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12 do section 1 only ( Count 1 to 8+ )
After Wall 9: hold for 1 count.....