CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Started Stoppin'

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Michelle Wright (USA) - November 2024
Started Stoppin' - Mitchell Tenpenny
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Dance starts 8 counts in on the lyrics

Wall 6 restart after 8& counts
Wall 8 Restart after 24& counts with a step change (see breakdown for details)

Section 1: Side, Rock back, Recover, Locking shuffle forward, ½ pivot, ¼ chasse
1,2,3Step R to R side, Rock L directly back, Recover on R
4&5Step L forward, Lock R behind L, Step L forward
6,7Step R forward, ½ pivot L weight on L (6:00)
8&1¼ turn L stepping R to R side, Step L next to R, Step R to R side (3:00)
Restart here on wall 6 after 8& counts

Section 2: Back, Point, Weave, Side, Touch, Kick, Ball, Behind
2,3Step L back slightly behind R, Point R to R side
4&5Cross R behind L, Step L to L, Cross R over L
6,7Step L to L side, Touch R next to L
8&1Kick R foot into R diagonal, Step R next to L, Cross L behind R

Section 3: Hold, Ball, Cross, Hold, Ball, Behind, Side Rock, Recover, Crossing shuffle
2&3Hold, Step R to R side, Cross L over R
4&5Hold, Step R to R side, Cross L behind R
6,7Rock R to R side, Recover on L
8&1Cross R over L, Step L to L side, Cross R over L
Restart on wall 8 changing 8& to a Cross rock, recover.

Section 4: Chasse, Back rock, Recover, Side, Sailor step, Sailor step
2&3Step L to L side, Step R next to L, Step L to L side
4&5Rock R behind L, Recover on L, Step R to R side
6&7Cross L behind R step R to R side, Step L to L side
8&Cross R behind L, Step L to L side
Last count of Sailor is count 1 of the dance

Ending: Wall 10 is the final wall. Dance to count 19 (Cross L over R ) and unwind a half turn R to 12:00
End of dance!

Any questions email

Last Update: 17 Nov 2024


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