CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Every Star In The Sky

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Jennifer Oliphant (USA) - November 2024
Dreams Come True - Liliana Tani
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Intro: 16 counts

(1-8) R Dorothy, L Dorothy, toe point and switch x3, shoulder pops
1-2&Step RF to R diagonal (1), close LF behind RF (2), step RF to R diagonal (&)
3-4&Step LF to L Diagonal (3), close RF behind LF (4), step LF to L diagonal (&)
5&6&7Point R toe to R side (5), step RF next to LF (&), point L toe to L side (6), step LF next to RF (&), point R toe to R side (7)
&8Pop R shoulder up and L shoulder down (&), pop R shoulder down and L shoulder up (8) (12:00)

(9-16) Cross, side, R ¼ Sailor, V-step
1-2Cross RF over LF (1), step LF to L side (2)
3&4Step RF behind LF (3), step LF to L side (&), ¼ turn R stepping RF forward (4)
5-6Step LF forward to L diagonal (5), step RF forward to R diagonal (6)
7-8Step LF back to center (7), touch RF next to LF (8) (3:00)

(17-24) Rolling vine R, LF touch, Weave L, RF touch
1, 2, 3, 4¼ turn R stepping RF forward (1), ½ turn R stepping LF back (2), ¼ turn R stepping RF to R side (3), touch LF next to RF (4)
5-6Step LF out to L side (5), cross RF behind LF (6)
&7&8Step LF out to L side (&), step RF over LF (7), step LF out to L side (&), touch RF next to LF (8) (3:00)

(25-32) Right K-Step, Hop forward, Hip bump
1-2Step RF forward to R diagonal (1), touch LF next to RF (2)
3-4Step LF back to L diagonal (3), touch RF next to LF (4)
5-6Step RF back to R diagonal (5), touch LF next to RF (6)
&7&8Slight hop forward onto LF (&), touch RF next to LF (7), bump hip up to the R (&), relax down, weight on LF (8) (3:00)

Tag – 16 counts, end of walls 2 & 5
(1-8) RF forward, ½ turn L, walk x2, side rock recover x2
1-2Step RF forward (1), ½ L placing weight onto LF (2)
3-4Step RF forward (3), step LF forward (4)
5-6&Rock RF out to R side (5), recover onto LF (6), step RF next to LF (&)
7-8&Rock LF out to L side (7), recover onto RF (8), step LF next to RF (&)

(9-16) RF forward, slow ½ turn L with shoulder shrugs, out out, hold, hips/shoulder roll
1-2-3-4Step RF forward (1), slowly turn ½ turn L ending with weight on LF, shrug shoulders x3 while turning (2-3-4)
&5-6Step RF out to R side (&), step LF out to L side (5) hold (6)
7-8Roll hips L to R ending with weight on LF
*Note: Can also roll shoulders with hips or alone if preferred!
*OPTIONAL styling note!
During wall 4 at counts 13-16 (after ¼ sailor step) the music beat will drop out. For styling, you can replace the V-step with these optional steps.
Step LF out to L side (5), slow roll hips from L to R (6-7), touch R toe next to LF (8)
From here, continue dance as normal with rolling vine R


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