CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Like Cinderella

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Gail A. Dawson (USA) - November 2024
Cinderella - Remi Wolf
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Intro – 16 Counts - 1 Step Change/Restart

Walk, Walk, Step, Pivot, Cross, Sway, Sway, Sway, Sway
1, 2R step forward, L step forward
3&4R step, pivot ¼ to L (9 o’clock), R cross over L
5, 6L step to the L sway L, sway R
7, 8Sway L, sway R

Rock, Recover, Locking Step, Mambo, Back, Back
1, 2L rock back, recover to R
3&4L step forward, R lock behind L, L step forward
5&6R rock forward, recover to L, R step back fanning L toe to L
7, 8L step back fanning R toe to R, R step back fanning L foot to L
***Restart Here on Wall 4 ***
Step Change
7, 8&1L step back fanning R toe to R, R step back, L step beside R, R step forward to restart

Rock, Recover, Crossing Triple, Rock, Recover, Sailor Turn 1/4
1, 2L rock to L, recover to R
3&4L cross over R, R step to R, L cross over R
5, 6R rock to R, recover to L
7&8R step behind L turning ¼ to R (12 o’clock), L step beside R, R step beside L

Step, Pivot ¼, Cross, Point, Jazz Box
1, 2L step forward, pivot ¼ to R (3 o’clock)
3, 4L cross over R, R point to R
5, 6R cross over L, L step back
7, 8R step beside L, L step forward


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