Edith Chabot (CAN), Audrey Jean (CAN) & Michaël Labreque (CAN) - October 2024
**2 tags,1 restart
Section 1 : Mambo cross right, mambo cross left, slide x4
1&2Right rock forward; left replace; right together; hold
3&4Left rock forward ; right replace ; left together; hold
5-6step forward with RF while sliding the ground (5) step forward with LF while sliding the ground (6)
7-8step forward with RF while sliding the ground (7) step forward with LF while sliding the ground
Section 2 : Rock , Coaster step , Knee Pop x4
1-2Rock Step RF forward
3&4Coaster Step RF ( RF behind ,bring LF next to right foot + right foot in front )
5-knee pop on the spot raise your right heel, bend your knee slightly and rest your heel)
6-knee pop on the spot raise your left heel, bend your knee slightly and rest your heel)
7-knee pop on the spot raise your right heel, bend your knee slightly and rest your heel)
8-knee pop on the spot raise your left heel, bend your knee slightly and rest your heel)
*RESTART at wall 10 after 16 counts
Section 3 : Point,Knee,Point, Point, Sailor ¼ Right, point clap
1-2point RF to the side (1) Raise knee R
&3&4point LF to the side (3) Point RF to the side (4)
5&6Sailor step right and ¼ round ( LF crosses behind RF, RF to left, LF to right)
*TAG at wall 4 and 8 after 22 counts
7-Point LF to the side
&8-Clap x2
Section 4 : Behind side cross ,heel x2 , cross and cross , coaster step
1&2behind side cross (cross RF behind LF to left, cross RF in front of LF)
3&4heel R forward (3) heel L forward (4)
5&6Cross RF in front to the LF x2
7&8Coaster Step LF ( LF behind ,bring RF next to right foot + right foot in front )
Tag description :
1- aside step with the left leg
2-slide right leg to the left ( option to raise yours arms)
Last Update: 3 Dec 2024
Section 1 : Mambo cross right, mambo cross left, slide x4
1&2Right rock forward; left replace; right together; hold
3&4Left rock forward ; right replace ; left together; hold
5-6step forward with RF while sliding the ground (5) step forward with LF while sliding the ground (6)
7-8step forward with RF while sliding the ground (7) step forward with LF while sliding the ground
Section 2 : Rock , Coaster step , Knee Pop x4
1-2Rock Step RF forward
3&4Coaster Step RF ( RF behind ,bring LF next to right foot + right foot in front )
5-knee pop on the spot raise your right heel, bend your knee slightly and rest your heel)
6-knee pop on the spot raise your left heel, bend your knee slightly and rest your heel)
7-knee pop on the spot raise your right heel, bend your knee slightly and rest your heel)
8-knee pop on the spot raise your left heel, bend your knee slightly and rest your heel)
*RESTART at wall 10 after 16 counts
Section 3 : Point,Knee,Point, Point, Sailor ¼ Right, point clap
1-2point RF to the side (1) Raise knee R
&3&4point LF to the side (3) Point RF to the side (4)
5&6Sailor step right and ¼ round ( LF crosses behind RF, RF to left, LF to right)
*TAG at wall 4 and 8 after 22 counts
7-Point LF to the side
&8-Clap x2
Section 4 : Behind side cross ,heel x2 , cross and cross , coaster step
1&2behind side cross (cross RF behind LF to left, cross RF in front of LF)
3&4heel R forward (3) heel L forward (4)
5&6Cross RF in front to the LF x2
7&8Coaster Step LF ( LF behind ,bring RF next to right foot + right foot in front )
Tag description :
1- aside step with the left leg
2-slide right leg to the left ( option to raise yours arms)
Last Update: 3 Dec 2024