Intro: 18 Counts
Twinkle, Twinkle
1-3Cross L over, step R side, step L in place
4-6Cross R over, step L side, step R in place
Balance Waltz
1-3Step L forward, step R together, step L together
4-6Step R back, step L together, step R together
Waltz Forward, ½ Turn (6:00)
1-3Step L forward, step R together, step L together
4-6Step R back, ½ turn left, step L, step R slightly forward
Waltz Forward, ¼ Turn (3:00)
1-3Step L forward, step R together, step L together
4-6Step R back, ¼ turn left, step L, step R slightly forward
Waltz ‘Corto’
1-3Step L in front of right, recover R, step L side
4-6Step R in front of left, recover L, step R side
Restart: Wall 11 (6:00)
Complete Sections I & II, even though the music is fading out. Then, STOP
COMPLETELY for a drum solo, maintaining your left foot ready to Restart.
Ending: Wall 13 (12:00)
Twinkle, Twinkle
1-3Cross L over, step R side, step L in place
4-6Cross R over, step L side, step R in place
Balance Waltz
1-3Step L forward, step R together, step L together
4-6Step R back, step L together, step R together
Waltz Forward, ½ Turn (6:00)
1-3Step L forward, step R together, step L together
4-6Step R back, ½ turn left, step L, step R slightly forward
Waltz Forward, ¼ Turn (3:00)
1-3Step L forward, step R together, step L together
4-6Step R back, ¼ turn left, step L, step R slightly forward
Waltz ‘Corto’
1-3Step L in front of right, recover R, step L side
4-6Step R in front of left, recover L, step R side
Restart: Wall 11 (6:00)
Complete Sections I & II, even though the music is fading out. Then, STOP
COMPLETELY for a drum solo, maintaining your left foot ready to Restart.
Ending: Wall 13 (12:00)