Absolute Beginner
First 8 count
1-2-3-4walk forward RLR hitch left
5-6-7-8back LRLR
Second 8 count
1-2-3-4grapevine right
5-6-7-8grapevine left
Third 8 count
1-2-3-4V-Step (right foot forward spaced apart, left foot forward spaced apart, right foot back, left foot back together)
Fourth 8 count
1-2-3-4step out right, left together (1-2) step out left, right together (3-4)
5-6-7-8(walk in a circle over right shoulder) 3/4 turn over right shoulder
On wall 3, first two 8 counts: walk and grapevines then restart
1-2-3-4walk forward RLR hitch left
5-6-7-8back LRLR
Second 8 count
1-2-3-4grapevine right
5-6-7-8grapevine left
Third 8 count
1-2-3-4V-Step (right foot forward spaced apart, left foot forward spaced apart, right foot back, left foot back together)
Fourth 8 count
1-2-3-4step out right, left together (1-2) step out left, right together (3-4)
5-6-7-8(walk in a circle over right shoulder) 3/4 turn over right shoulder
On wall 3, first two 8 counts: walk and grapevines then restart