CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Beautiful As You

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Katie Radicchi (USA) - September 2024
Beautiful As You - Thomas Rhett
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[1-8]: Wizard Right, wizard left, back sweep LRL, step back left
1-4&Step right foot forward (1), lock left behind right (2), step right foot forward (&), step left foot forward (3), lock right behind left (4) step left foot forward (&)
5-8Step back right (5) sweep back left (&), back sweet right (6), back sweet left (7) step back left with weight transfer (8)

[9-16]: Mambo Right, mambo left, rock right, recover left, left behind side cross
1-4Step/rock to the right on your right foot (1), bring your weight back onto your left foot (&), step your right next to your left (2), step/rock to the left on your left foot (3), bring your weight back onto your right foot (&), step your left next to your right (4)
5-6Step/rock to the side on your right foot (5), recover left (6), step left foot behind right (7), step right foot to ride side (&), cross left foot in front of right foot (8)

[17-24]: Rock left, recover right, right behind side cross, step right, ¼ turn right, ½ shuffle RLR
1-4Step/rock to the side on your left foot (1), recover right (2), step right foot behind right (3), step left foot to ride side (&), cross right foot in front of right foot (4)
5-8Step right foot forward (5), step left foot forward ¼ turn to right (6), right foot to right side (7), bring left foot to right foot (&), step right foot forward (8)

[25-32]: Rock forward left, recover right, shuffle back LRL, step back right ¼ turn, slide left back, left coaster step
1-4Rock forward left (1), recover on right (2), left foot back (3), bring right foot to left (&), step back on left foot (4)
5-8Step back on the right making a ¼ turn to your left (5), sweep left foot back (6), step left foot back (7), step right foot back to left (&), step left foot forward (8)

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For any questions, please contact me through social media @redslinedancing or via email at

Last Update: 1 Oct 2024


CaseyLeahy September 26, 2024

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