#32 Ct intro - No tags, No restarts
#1st 8 – [1-8] L rock recover forward, L coaster step back, R rock recover forward R coaster step back
1-2L rock recover forward
3&4L coaster step back ( step L back, R in place, L forward)
5-6R rock recover forward
7&8R coaster step(step R back, L in place, R forward)
#2nd-8 – [1-8] K-step to the L
1-4step L forward at a angle bring r together, Step R back at a angle bring L together.
5-8step L back at a angle, bring R together to L, step R forward at a angle bring L together
#3rd -8 – [1-8] turn L 1/4 L step together step touch. turn 1/4 turn to the L but do a R step together step touch
1-4turn 1/4 turn to the L and step L to the side the R together, step L side and R together
5-8turn 1/4 turn to the L but step R out to the side, L together, R out to the side L together
#4th-8 – [1-8] 1/4 turn to the L and do step together step touch, jump feet apart R-L, R toe back and step R ft back in place
1-4turn to the left and step L to the side, bring R together to the L, step L to the side and bring R together to the L
5-6jump out R and L
7-8R toe behind L foot, R foot back in place
#1st 8 – [1-8] L rock recover forward, L coaster step back, R rock recover forward R coaster step back
1-2L rock recover forward
3&4L coaster step back ( step L back, R in place, L forward)
5-6R rock recover forward
7&8R coaster step(step R back, L in place, R forward)
#2nd-8 – [1-8] K-step to the L
1-4step L forward at a angle bring r together, Step R back at a angle bring L together.
5-8step L back at a angle, bring R together to L, step R forward at a angle bring L together
#3rd -8 – [1-8] turn L 1/4 L step together step touch. turn 1/4 turn to the L but do a R step together step touch
1-4turn 1/4 turn to the L and step L to the side the R together, step L side and R together
5-8turn 1/4 turn to the L but step R out to the side, L together, R out to the side L together
#4th-8 – [1-8] 1/4 turn to the L and do step together step touch, jump feet apart R-L, R toe back and step R ft back in place
1-4turn to the left and step L to the side, bring R together to the L, step L to the side and bring R together to the L
5-6jump out R and L
7-8R toe behind L foot, R foot back in place