CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Intermediate
Wan Xin (MY) & Rebecca Lee (MY) - September 2024
Savage - Donny Duardo
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Intro : 4 + 16 counts in (Approx 0.11 sec)

Sequence : Tag, A, B, Tag, Tag, A, B, B

TAG (16counts)
(1-8) R Side, Dip Clockwise
1-8Weight on LF: Step RF to R side (1), body makes a big circle clockwise going from high to low and back to standing (2-3-4-5-6-7-8) 12.00

(9-16) L Side Drag, ⅛ (L) with R Forward Mambo, L Back, ⅛ (R) with R Side, L Forward Shuffle
1-2Step LF to L side while pushing R hand to R side (1), drag R toes towards LF (2) 12.00
3&4Turn ⅛ L rocking RF forward (3), recover weight on LF (&), step RF back (4) 10.30
5-6Step LF back (5), turn ⅛ R stepping RF to R side (6) 12.00
7&8Step LF forward (7), step RF next to LF (&), step LF forward (8) 12.00

PART A (32 counts)
[1-8] R-L Heel Strut with Hand Movements, R-L Walk Around ¾ (R)
1-2Touch R heel forward (1), step RF in place (2) – put R arm vertically with R hand showing index and middle fingers and put L arm horizontally across R arm with L hand showing index and middle fingers 12.00
3-4Touch L heel forward (3), step LF in place (4) - put L arm vertically with L hand showing index and middle fingers and put R arm horizontally across L arm with R hand showing index and middle fingers 12.00
5-8Walk around ¾ R over R shoulder on RF-LF-RF-LF (5-6-7-8) 9.00

[9- 16] R-L Forward Walk, L Forward Rock & Recover, L-R Back, L Coaster Step
1-3Walk forward on RF-LF-RF (1-2-3) – L hand is on the nose while R hand is doing a snaky motion 9.00
4&Rock LF forward (4), recover weight on RF (&) 9.00
5-6Step LF and RF back (5-6) – L hand is on the nose while R hand is doing a snaky motion 9.00
7&8Step LF back (7), close RF beside LF (&), step Lf forward (8) 9.00

[17-24] R Side Rock Cross, L Side Rock & Recover ¼ (R), R-L Side Mambo with Chest Contraction
1&2Rock RF to R side (1), recover weight on LF (&), cross RF over LF (2) 9.00
3&4Rock LF to L side (3), recover weight on RF turning ¼ R (&), step LF forward (4) 12.00
5&6Rock RF to R side (5), recover weight on LF (&), close RF beside LF (6) – contract your chest 12.00
7&8Rock LF to L side (7), recover weight on RF(&), close LF beside RF (8) – contract your chest 12.00

[25- 32] R Full Turn (R) Volta, Jump, Body Matrix
1-4Make a full turn volta R over R shoulder (1-&-2-&-3-&-4) 12.00
5-8Jump both feet apart and push upper body to R (5), slowly lean body backward (6), push upper body to left (7), push upper body to the centre (8) 12.00

Part B (32 counts)
(1-8) R-L Samba Whisks, 7/8 (R) with R Volta, L Forward, R Forward Kick X2
1a2Step RF to R (1), rock ball of LF behind RF (a), recover on RF (2) 12.00
3a4Step LF to L (1), rock ball of RF behind LF (a), recover on LF (4) 12.00
5a6Make a volta 7/8 R over R shoulder (5-a-6) 10.30
7-8&Step LF forward (7), kick RF forward twice (8-&) 10.30

(9-16) R Back Touch, ⅛ (R) with L Back Touch, R Rocking Chair, R-L Out Steps with Hand Movements, R Touch
1-2Step RF back (1), touch L toes beside RF (2) 10.30
3-4Turn ⅛ R stepping LF back to L diagonal (3), touch R toes beside LF (4) 12.00
5&6&Rock RF forward (5), recover weight on LF (&), rock RF back (6), recover weight on LF (&) 12.00
7&8&Step RF forward to R diagonal while placing L hand on R knee (7), step LF forward to L diagonal while placing R hand on L knee crossing over L hand (&), release both hands to each side (8), touch R toes beside LF while lifting both hands at shoulder level like showing muscles (&) 12.00

(17-24) R Side & Shoulder Roll, R Close, Chest Pump, L Side & Shoulder Roll, L Chug ½ (R)
1-3Step RF to R side and roll shoulders for 2 counts (1-2), close RF beside LF (3) 12.00
&4Pump chest forward and contract (&-4) 12.00
5-6Step LF to L side and roll shoulders for 2 counts (5-6) 12.00
7&8&Turn ¼ R rocking LF to L side (7), recover weight on RF (&), turn ¼ R rocking LF to L side (8), recover weight on RF (&) 6.00

(25-32) L-R Carioca Runs, L Forward Mambo, R Touch, R Side & Swivel
1&2&Cross LF over RF (1), step RF to R angling body to L diagonal (&), touch L toes forward (2), step LF to L (&) 6.00
3&4&Cross RF over LF (3), step LF to L angling body to R diagonal (&), touch R toes forward (4), step RF to R (&) 6.00
5&6Rock LF forward (5), recover weight on RF (&), step LF back (6) 6.00
7&8&Touch R toes beside LF (7), step RF to R side (&), swivel R heel in (8), swivel R toes in (&) 6.00


hee yon September 10, 2024

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