CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Watch This (WDM24)

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Tim Johnson (UK) & Maggie Gallagher (UK) - July 2024
Watch This - Bibi Gold
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Intro: 20 counts
Phrasing A, Tag 1, B, Tag 2, A, Tag 3, B, B

Section A - 48 Counts
A1: Out, Out & Cross, Hold, & ¼ Heel, Hold, & Walk, Walk
1-2Step R out to right side (1), Step L out to left side (2)
&3-4Step slightly back on R (&), Cross L over R (3), HOLD (4)
&5-6Step R out to right side (&), ¼ left touching L heel forward (5), HOLD (6) [9:00]
&7-8Step L next to R (&), Walk forward R (7), Walk forward L (8)
*Optional arm on counts 5-6 – bring right arm straight up to chest height with palm facing [9:00]

A2: Step R, ⅜ Pivot L, Camel Walks R-L, Rock, Recover, ¼ Side, Touch
1-2Step forward on R (1), ⅜ pivot left stepping forward on L (2) [4:30]
3-4Step forward on R popping L knee forward (3), Step forward on L popping R knee forward (4)
5-6Rock forward on R (5,) Recover weight onto L (6)
7-8¼ right stepping R to right side (7), Touch L behind R (8) [7:30]
*Optional arm on count 8 – throw right arm out to right side and look down to right

A3: Side/Bump, Sway R, Full Spiral R, Side, Behind Side Cross, Hold, Out Out
1-2Squaring to [6:00] step L to left side bumping hips left (1), Sway right (2)
3-4Full spiral turn right whilst hitching L (3), Step L to left side (4) [6:00]
5&6Step R behind L (5), Step L to left side (&), Cross R over L (6)
7&8HOLD (7), Step L out to left side (&), Step R out to right side (8)
*Option to omit spiral turn: Touch L next to R (3), Step L to left side (4) [6:00]
*Easier option for spiral turn: ⅜ right stepping forward on R (2), ⅝ right on ball of R and hitching L (3),
Step L to left side (4) [6:00]

A4: Lock/Pop, ¼, ½, Sit Back/Pop, Step/Pop, Walk, Walk, ¼/Hip Roll
1-2Lock L behind R popping R knee forward (1), ¼ right stepping forward on R (2) [9:00]
3-4½ right stepping back on L (3), Sit back on R popping L knee forward (4) [3:00]
5-6Step down on L touching R next to L and popping R knee (5), Walk forward on R (6)
7-8Walk forward L (7), ¼ left stepping R to right side and rolling hips anticlockwise (8) [12:00]

A5: ⅛ Stomp/Flick, R stomp, Behind/Hitch & Behind/Hitch, Stomp, ⅛ Side, Behind Side Cross
1-2⅛ left stomping L forward and flicking R behind (1), Stomp R forward (2) [10:30]
3&4Step L behind R hitching R (3), Step slightly forward on R (&), Step L behind R hitching R (4)
5-6Stomp R forward (5), ⅛ left stepping L to left side (6) [9:00]
7&8Cross R behind L (7), Step L to left side (&), Cross R over L (8)

A6: Rock, Recover, Behind Side Cross, ¾ Walk Around R-L-R-L
1-2Rock L out to left side (1), Recover weight on R (2)
3&4Step L behind R (3), Step R to right side (&), Cross L over R (4)
5-6¼ right stepping forward on R (5), ¼ right stepping forward on L (6) [3:00]
7-8¼ right stepping forward on R (7), Step forward on L (8) [6:00]

Section B – 32 Counts
B1: R Dorothy, ½ Dorothy, Step, ½, ¼ Side, Cross
1-2&Step R to right diagonal (1), Lock L behind R (2), Step forward on R (&)
3-4&Step L to left diagonal (3), ½ right locking R behind L (4), Step slightly forward on L (&) [12:00]
5-6Step forward on R (5), ½ right stepping back on L (6) [6:00]
7-8⅜ right stepping R to R side (7), Cross L over R L (8) [7:30]

B2: Ball, Back/Heel Drag, &, ⅛ Step, ¼ Hitch, Hip Bumps R-L, Hold, Jump, Together
&1-2Step slightly back on ball of R (&), Big step back on L dragging R heel towards L (1-2) [7:30]
&3-4Step R next to L (&), ⅛ left stepping forward on L (3), ¼ left hitching R knee up (4) [3:00]
5-6Step R to right side bumping hips right (5), Bump hips left (6)
7&8HOLD (7), Jump slightly forward on R (&), Step L next to R (8)

B3: Back/Kick, Cross &, Cross & Cross, Back, Bump L, Bump R, Step, Stomp
1Drop back on R on right diagonal kicking L towards left diagonal [1:30] (1)
2&Cross L over R (2), Step back on R on slight right diagonal (&)
3&4Cross L over R (3), Step back on R on slight right diagonal (&), Cross L over right (4)
5-6Straightening to [3:00] step back on R pushing hips back (5), Step L to left side bumping hips left (6) [3:00]
7Step R to right side bumping hips right (7)
8-1Step forward on L (8), Stomp right foot forward (1)
*Optional arms movements on counts 8-1: raise both arms up as you shimmy your shoulders, on the lyrics
“shake it up, shake it up”

B4: Hold, & Rock, Recover, ½, ½, ¼, Together
2HOLD (2)
&3-4Step L next to R (&), Rock forward on R (3), Recover back on L (4)
5-6½ right stepping forward on R (5), ½ right stepping back on L (6) [3:00]
7-8¼ right stepping R to right side (7), Step L next to R (8) [6:00]

TAG 1: At the end of the first A, facing [6:00], dance Tag 1:
1-4Out R, Out L, Hold, Point Point (“Watch this”)
1-2Step R out to right side (1), Step L out to left side (2)
3HOLD (3)
&Keeping weight on L and feet in place, twist your upper body ¼ left and point R index finger behind you towards [12:00] (&)
4twist upper body ¼ right to face [6:00] bringing your right arm back to chest height and point your thumb towards your chest (4) [6:00]
* Note: the lyrics on counts &4 are “Watch This”, and the points are asking the person behind you to “Watch This”!

TAG 2: At the end of the first B, facing [6:00], dance Tag 2:
1-8Step, ½ left with 3x Heel Bounces, Step, Slide, Step, Slide/Touch
1-2Step R forward (1), ⅙ left bouncing heels to the right (2)
3-4⅙ left bouncing heels to the right (3), ⅙ left bouncing heels to the right with weight ending on L (4) [12:00]
5-6Step R forward on right diagonal (5), Slide L to meet R (6)
7-8Step L forward on left diagonal (7), Slide R to touch next to L (8) [12:00]

TAG 3: At the end of the second repetition of A, facing [6:00], dance Tag 3:
1-8R Side Rock, Recover, Behind Side Cross, Full Turn Walk Around L-R-L-R
1-2Rock R out to right side (1), Recover weight on L (2)
3&4Step R behind L (3), Step L to left side (&), Cross R over L (4)
5-6¼ left stepping forward on L (5), ¼ left stepping forward on R (6) [12:00]
7-8¼ left stepping forward on L (7), ¼ left stepping forward on R (8) [6:00]

9–16L Side Rock, Recover, Behind Side Cross, Full Turn Walk Around R-L-R-L
1-2Rock L out to left side (1), Recover weight on R (2)
3&4Step L behind R (3,) Step R to right side (&), Cross L over R (4)
5-6¼ right stepping forward on R (5), ¼ right stepping forward on L (6) [12:00]
7-8¼ right stepping forward on R (7), ¼ right stepping forward on L (8) [6:00]

ENDING: Dance 31 counts of the final B, then step forward on L. Pivot ½ right (weight ending on R) pointing forward with left arm raised to chest height [12:00]

Smile and enjoy 😊

Tim Johnson
Maggie Gallagher - +44 7950291350 -


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