CopperKnob Stepsheets

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I Can Feel the Whiskey

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Brandon Zahorsky (USA) - August 2024
I Can Feel It (VAVO Remix) - Kane Brown & VAVO
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Count In: 16 ct. intro

[1 - 8] Cross Heel Grind, Side, Behind, Side, Cross, Rock, Recover, Behind 1/4 Forward
1, 2R heel grind over L (1), Step side L 12
3 & 4Step R behind L (3), Step L side (&), Cross R over L 12
5 6Rock L side L (5), Recover Side R (6) 12
7 & 8Step L behind R (7), Step R forward 1/4 R (&), Step L forward (8) 3

[9 - 16] Hip Bumps, Triple Diagonal x 2
1 2Step R diagonal forward while pushing R hip forward (1), Push L hip back to L foot(2) 3
3 & 4Triple diagonal forward - R,L,R 3
5 6Step L diagonal forward while pushing L hip forward (5), Push R hip back to R foot (6) 3
7 & 8Triple diagonal forward - L, R, L 3
Styling Really work your hips here and play along with the lyrics!
Restart Restart here - 2nd wall facing 12 o’clock

[17 - 24] Cross, Back, Triple Side, Cross, Back, Coaster Step
1 2Cross R over L (1), Step L back (2) 3
3 & 4Step R side R (3), Step L next to R (&), Step R side (4) 3
5 6Cross L over R (5), Step R back (6) 3
7 & 8Step L back (7), Step R next to L (&), Step L forward (8) 3
Option For counts 7&8 - Instead of the coaster step, you can do a side triple (L,R,L) - Do what feels good!

[25-32] Step 1/4 Turn, Crossing Triple, 1/4 Turn Back, 1/2 Turn Forward, Triple Forward
1 2Step R forward (1), Pivot 1/4 turn L (2) 12
3 & 4Cross R over L (3), Step L side L (&), Cross R over L (4) 12
5 6Step L back 1/4 turn R (5), Step R forward 1/2 turn R (6) 9
7&8Triple diagonal forward - L, R, L 9

Tag Happens at the end of the dance on wall 4 facing 6 o’clock
Tag Rocking Chair
1-4Rock, R forward, Recover back on L, Rock R back, Recover forward on L 6

Notes: 1 Restart, 1 Tag

You will be at the end of the dance facing 3 o’clock, make a 1/4 turn L and large step to the R side and pose! (Hit the lyrics “I can feel it in the air” drag it out!)


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