Intro 32 counts
Step touch heel swivel R, then L,
1-2Step touch right
3&4Heels swivel left and right
5-6Step touch left
7&8heels swivel right and left
RESTART on wall 4 after above 8 counts
tap right toe front, side triple step, repeat on left
1-2tap right toe front , side
3&4triple step right, left right
5-6tap left toe front, side
7&8triple step, left right left
RESTART on wall 5 and wall 7 after above 16 counts
Right Shuffle forward, L step 1/4 turn right , LF crossing shuffle right
1&2Step right shuffle forward,
3-4step left, 1/4 turn pivot right
5&6step left, crossing shuffle to the right
7-8step out right, step out left
Sailor step R and L, double flick kick R , hop double flick kick left, hop
1&2Sailor step right
3&4Sailor step left
5&6&double flick kick R( hop to switch)
7&8&double flick kick L( hop to restart)
Wall 4 after 8 counts, walls 5 & 7 after 16 counts
Step touch heel swivel R, then L,
1-2Step touch right
3&4Heels swivel left and right
5-6Step touch left
7&8heels swivel right and left
RESTART on wall 4 after above 8 counts
tap right toe front, side triple step, repeat on left
1-2tap right toe front , side
3&4triple step right, left right
5-6tap left toe front, side
7&8triple step, left right left
RESTART on wall 5 and wall 7 after above 16 counts
Right Shuffle forward, L step 1/4 turn right , LF crossing shuffle right
1&2Step right shuffle forward,
3-4step left, 1/4 turn pivot right
5&6step left, crossing shuffle to the right
7-8step out right, step out left
Sailor step R and L, double flick kick R , hop double flick kick left, hop
1&2Sailor step right
3&4Sailor step left
5&6&double flick kick R( hop to switch)
7&8&double flick kick L( hop to restart)
Wall 4 after 8 counts, walls 5 & 7 after 16 counts