High Intermediate
Start (0:08)-
[1-8]: Side Together & Cross (R over L) Side Together & Cross (L over R) | Step & Kick | Coaster
1&2Rock right to side, recover to left, cross right over left (1&2)
3&4Rock left to side, recover to right, cross left over right (3&4)
5,6Step RF (5), RF Pivots ¼ counter-clockwise while LF kicks (6)
7&8LF back coaster step [LF-RF-LF] (7 & 8)
[9-16]: Full Spin Counter-clockwise Shuffle forward | Forward Together & ½ turn (over right shoulder) | Forward Together & ½ turn (over left shoulder)
1&2Step forward with RF and complete full turn over left shoulder (1&2).
3&4Shuffle forward [RF-LF-RF] (3&4)
5&6LF forward, RF forward, LF half turn over RF (5&6)
7,8RF forward, LF forward, RF half turn over LF (7&8)
[17-24]: Rock LF Back and RF Back Rock LF Back and RF Back | Rock LF Back and Hold | Pivot ½ turn and hold
1,2Rock LF back behind RF (1), Rock RF back behind LF (2)
3,4Rock LF back behind RF (3), Rock RF back behind LF (4)
5,6Rock LF back behind RF almost into a curtsy (5), hold (6).
7,8Pivot ½ turn with both feet simultaneously (7), hold [optional mini dance move] (8).
[25-32]: LF step forward, RF step LF step forward, RF kick | LF step behind, RF step behind | LF step behind, jump
1,2RF slight step backward (1), LF hitch (2)
3,4Shuffle forward [LF-RF-LF] (3&4)
5,6*-RF forward (5), LF ¼ counter-clockwise to be parallel with RF (6)
7,8*-RF steps back to be parallel with LF (7), LF slides to standard holding position (8).
*- steps 5-8 form standard counter-clockwise jazz box
End of 32 counts
Alternate between the back and front walls
No Restarts
[1-8]: Side Together & Cross (R over L) Side Together & Cross (L over R) | Step & Kick | Coaster
1&2Rock right to side, recover to left, cross right over left (1&2)
3&4Rock left to side, recover to right, cross left over right (3&4)
5,6Step RF (5), RF Pivots ¼ counter-clockwise while LF kicks (6)
7&8LF back coaster step [LF-RF-LF] (7 & 8)
[9-16]: Full Spin Counter-clockwise Shuffle forward | Forward Together & ½ turn (over right shoulder) | Forward Together & ½ turn (over left shoulder)
1&2Step forward with RF and complete full turn over left shoulder (1&2).
3&4Shuffle forward [RF-LF-RF] (3&4)
5&6LF forward, RF forward, LF half turn over RF (5&6)
7,8RF forward, LF forward, RF half turn over LF (7&8)
[17-24]: Rock LF Back and RF Back Rock LF Back and RF Back | Rock LF Back and Hold | Pivot ½ turn and hold
1,2Rock LF back behind RF (1), Rock RF back behind LF (2)
3,4Rock LF back behind RF (3), Rock RF back behind LF (4)
5,6Rock LF back behind RF almost into a curtsy (5), hold (6).
7,8Pivot ½ turn with both feet simultaneously (7), hold [optional mini dance move] (8).
[25-32]: LF step forward, RF step LF step forward, RF kick | LF step behind, RF step behind | LF step behind, jump
1,2RF slight step backward (1), LF hitch (2)
3,4Shuffle forward [LF-RF-LF] (3&4)
5,6*-RF forward (5), LF ¼ counter-clockwise to be parallel with RF (6)
7,8*-RF steps back to be parallel with LF (7), LF slides to standard holding position (8).
*- steps 5-8 form standard counter-clockwise jazz box
End of 32 counts
Alternate between the back and front walls
No Restarts