**2 tags, no restarts, start on lyrics
[1-8] Forward step, lock, step, scuff 2x
1, 2Step R diagonal forward, lock L behind R
3, 4Step R forward, scuff L
5, 6Step L diagonal forward, lock R behind L
7, 8Step L forward, scuff R
[9-16] K step
1, 2Step R forward to R diagonal, touch L together
3, 4Step L backward to L diagonal, touch R together
5, 6Step R backward to R diagonal, touch L together
7, 8Step L forward to L diagonal, touch R together
[17-24] Grapevine R, ¼ turn Grapevine L, scuff
1, 2Step R foot out to right side, cross L foot behind R,
3, 4Step R foot to right side, touch L foot next to R
5, 6Step L foot out to left side, cross R foot behind left
7, 8¼ turning over left shoulder step L foot to left side, scuff R foot forward
[25-32] Rocking Chair, scuff, hitch, stomp
1, 2Rock R forward, recover weight onto L,
3, 4Rock R back, recover weight onto L
5, 6Scuff R foot next to L, bring R to hitch
7, 8Stomp R foot down next to L, hold
(TAG 1)* After wall 3 (facing 3:00) After wall 4 (facing 12:00) After wall 7 (facing 3:00)
#6 counts - 3 steps in place (left, right, left)
1, 2Step L foot together
3, 4Step R foot together
5, 6Step L foot together
(TAG 2)* After wall 9 (facing 12:00)
#4 counts - 2 steps in place (right foot only)
1, 2Step R foot together
3, 4Step R foot together
[1-8] Forward step, lock, step, scuff 2x
1, 2Step R diagonal forward, lock L behind R
3, 4Step R forward, scuff L
5, 6Step L diagonal forward, lock R behind L
7, 8Step L forward, scuff R
[9-16] K step
1, 2Step R forward to R diagonal, touch L together
3, 4Step L backward to L diagonal, touch R together
5, 6Step R backward to R diagonal, touch L together
7, 8Step L forward to L diagonal, touch R together
[17-24] Grapevine R, ¼ turn Grapevine L, scuff
1, 2Step R foot out to right side, cross L foot behind R,
3, 4Step R foot to right side, touch L foot next to R
5, 6Step L foot out to left side, cross R foot behind left
7, 8¼ turning over left shoulder step L foot to left side, scuff R foot forward
[25-32] Rocking Chair, scuff, hitch, stomp
1, 2Rock R forward, recover weight onto L,
3, 4Rock R back, recover weight onto L
5, 6Scuff R foot next to L, bring R to hitch
7, 8Stomp R foot down next to L, hold
(TAG 1)* After wall 3 (facing 3:00) After wall 4 (facing 12:00) After wall 7 (facing 3:00)
#6 counts - 3 steps in place (left, right, left)
1, 2Step L foot together
3, 4Step R foot together
5, 6Step L foot together
(TAG 2)* After wall 9 (facing 12:00)
#4 counts - 2 steps in place (right foot only)
1, 2Step R foot together
3, 4Step R foot together