CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Me Time

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High Beginner
Marla Brandon (USA) - July 2024
Me Time - Brooke Graham
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Start dancing after 32 counts with lyrics

Mambo R side, L side, R side rock and cross, ball cross, ball cross
1&2Step side R (1), step L in place (&), replace R (2)
3&4Step side L (3), step R in place (&), replace L (4)
5&6Side rock R (5), recover to L (&), cross R over L (6)
&7&8Step L to side (&), cross R over L (7), Repeat step L to side (&), cross R over L (8)

L side rock and cross, ball cross, ball cross, R heel grind ¼ turn right, step R back, hook L
1&2Step rock L (1), recover to R (&), cross L over R (2)
&3&4Step R to side (3), cross L over R (&), Repeat step R to side (4), cross L over R (&)
5, 6Plant R heel (5) and grind ¼ turn to right (6)
7, 8Step back on R (7), hook L (8)

Step L, tap R, step back R hook L, step L, scuff R and shuffle R
1, 2Step L forward (1), tap R toe behind L (2)
3, 4Step back on R (3), hook L (4)
5, 6Step L forward (5), scuff R forward (6)
7&8R forward (7), bring L up to R (&), R forward (8)

Step L, ¼ right pivot, cross L, point R, R jazz box
1, 2Step L (1), turning ¼ right (2)
3, 4Cross L over R (3), tap R toe to side (4)
5, 6Cross R over L (5), step L back (6)
7, 8Step side R to 2nd (7), bring L to R (8)

*Tag occurs here on the end of wall 5 facing 6:00
TAG - Hip bumps:
1, 2Hip to R side (1), hip to L side (2)
3, 4Hip to R side (3), hip to L side (4)

Brooke Graham is a great friend of Line Dancing and was the 2024 Sponsor of the Ft. Wayne Danceforall. She will also be sponsoring in 2025.

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