Side Rock R, Recover L, Weave L, Touch L, Point L, L Coaster step
1-4Side rock R on R (1), Recover Left (2), Weave L (R behind L (3), L to L (&), R cross L (4)),
5-8Touch L toe forward (5), Touch L toe out (6), Coaster step (L back (7), R back (&), L forward (8)),
Rock Forward R, Recover L, ½ R Triple, Walk L, Walk R, Side Rock L, Recover R
1-2Rock forward on R (1), Recover weight on L (2),
3-4½ Turn over R, R triple step (R forward (3), L together (&), R forward (4)),
5-6Designed to do a full spin over right using half turn pivot steps (5)(6), or you can Walk (5) Walk (6),
7-8Side rock L on L (7), Recover weight on R (8),
Restart Wall 3
Weave R, Vaudevilles
1-4Weave R (L behind R (1), R to R (2), L cross R (3), R to R (4)),
5-8Vaudevilles (R cross L (5), L back (&), R kick (6))(L cross R (7), R back (&), L kick (8)),
Syncopated Jazz Box, Rock Forward R, ½ Turn Pivot, ¼ Pivot, Rock R, Rock L
1-4Syncopated Jazz Box (R cross L (1), L back (2), R back (3), L forward (4)),
5-6Rock forward on R (5), ½ turn over L recovering weight on L (6),
7-8There are two options here, you can either make a ¼ pivot over L by rocking on R (7) and sway left (8)
Before restarting, or in the way the dance was designed you can make a 5/4 spin on L toe stopping which also brings you to wall 2. It’s your choice.
Begin dance after 48 counts (when the lyrics begin)
Restarts: Wall 3 after 16 counts
1-4Side rock R on R (1), Recover Left (2), Weave L (R behind L (3), L to L (&), R cross L (4)),
5-8Touch L toe forward (5), Touch L toe out (6), Coaster step (L back (7), R back (&), L forward (8)),
Rock Forward R, Recover L, ½ R Triple, Walk L, Walk R, Side Rock L, Recover R
1-2Rock forward on R (1), Recover weight on L (2),
3-4½ Turn over R, R triple step (R forward (3), L together (&), R forward (4)),
5-6Designed to do a full spin over right using half turn pivot steps (5)(6), or you can Walk (5) Walk (6),
7-8Side rock L on L (7), Recover weight on R (8),
Restart Wall 3
Weave R, Vaudevilles
1-4Weave R (L behind R (1), R to R (2), L cross R (3), R to R (4)),
5-8Vaudevilles (R cross L (5), L back (&), R kick (6))(L cross R (7), R back (&), L kick (8)),
Syncopated Jazz Box, Rock Forward R, ½ Turn Pivot, ¼ Pivot, Rock R, Rock L
1-4Syncopated Jazz Box (R cross L (1), L back (2), R back (3), L forward (4)),
5-6Rock forward on R (5), ½ turn over L recovering weight on L (6),
7-8There are two options here, you can either make a ¼ pivot over L by rocking on R (7) and sway left (8)
Before restarting, or in the way the dance was designed you can make a 5/4 spin on L toe stopping which also brings you to wall 2. It’s your choice.
Begin dance after 48 counts (when the lyrics begin)
Restarts: Wall 3 after 16 counts