Absolute Beginner
S1: Skate, Skate, Scuffle, Skate, Skate, Scuffle
1-2Skate forward right, skate left
3-4Scuffle forward right, left, right
5-6Skate forward left, skate right
7-8Scuffle forward left, right, left
S2: Walk Back and Clap for 8 Counts
1-2Step back right, touch left next to right and clap
3-4Step back left, touch right next to left and clap
5-6Step back right, touch left next to right and clap
3-4Step back left, touch right next to left and clap
S3: Vine Right and Left
1-4Step R to right side, step left behind, step R to R side, touch left next to R
5-8Step L to left side, step right behind, step L to left side, touch right to left
S4: Rocking Chair, and 2 ¼ Pivots
1-4Rock R forward, Rock back R,
5-6Step Forward R, Pivot ¼ Left
7-8Step Forward R, Pivot ¼ left
1-2Skate forward right, skate left
3-4Scuffle forward right, left, right
5-6Skate forward left, skate right
7-8Scuffle forward left, right, left
S2: Walk Back and Clap for 8 Counts
1-2Step back right, touch left next to right and clap
3-4Step back left, touch right next to left and clap
5-6Step back right, touch left next to right and clap
3-4Step back left, touch right next to left and clap
S3: Vine Right and Left
1-4Step R to right side, step left behind, step R to R side, touch left next to R
5-8Step L to left side, step right behind, step L to left side, touch right to left
S4: Rocking Chair, and 2 ¼ Pivots
1-4Rock R forward, Rock back R,
5-6Step Forward R, Pivot ¼ Left
7-8Step Forward R, Pivot ¼ left