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I.L.T (I like that)

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Tim Johnson (UK) - June 2024
I Like That - J.Pollock & Manwell
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Count In: Dance begins after 32 counts
Notes: A,B,C,A,B,C,C,A,C.A

A: 32c
[1-8] Step L, Rock forward R, ¼ L, cross & cross, 1/4 , ¼ side, behind and heel.
1 -2&Step forward L (1) Rock R forward (2) Recover weight on L as you make a ¼ turn left (&) *end facing 9*
3&4Cross R over L (3) Step L to left side (&) Cross R over L (4)
5 -6Making a ¼ turn left, step forward on L (5) Making another ¼ turn left, step R to right side (6) *end facing 3*
7&8Step L behind R (7) Step R to right side (&) Touch L heel to left side (8)

[9-16] & cross R, 1/4 , ½ sailor, step lock, L shuffle sweep
&1-2Step L to left side (&) Cross R over L (1) Making a ¼ turn right, step back on L (2) *end facing 6*
3&4Making a 1/6th of a turn right, step R behind L (3) Making a 1/6th of a turn right, step L to left side (&) Making a 1/6th of a turn right, step R to right side (4) *end facing 12*
5-6Traveling toward 10:30, step forward on L (5) Step R behind L (6)
7&8Step forward on L (7) step R behind L (&) Step forward on L as you sweep R from back to front (8) *end facing 10:30*

[17-24] Cross R 1/8, back 1/4, walk R, walk L, side switch & switch & slide hitch.
1-2Making a 1/8th turn right, cross R over L (1) Making a ¼ turn right, step back on L (2) *end facing 3*
3-4Step forward R (3) Step forward L (4)
5&6&Touch R out to right side (5) Step R next to L (&) touch L out to left side (6) step L next to R (&)
7-8Big step out to right on R, dragging L up (7) step L next to R as you hitch R (8)

*optional arms – with right fist clenched, hold right forearm level with waist line. (5) flick knuckles to the floor level with left pocket (movement via your wrist) (6) flick knuckles to the floor level with right pocket (movement via your wrist) (7) roll wrist to head height (8) throw hand down to right side.

[25-32] ¼ R heel grind, R coaster step, ¼ side rock, ball ¼ clap, clap.
1-2Step R heel to right side (1) making a ¼ turn right, fan toes to the right (taking weight back on L) (2) *end facing 6*
3&4step back on R (3) step L next to R (&) step forward on R (4)
5-6Making a ¼ turn right, rock L out to left side (5) Recover weight onto R (6) *end facing 9*
&7&8Step L next to R (&) Making a ¼ turn right, step forward on R (7) with palms facing each other, bring right hand down and left hand up to clap hands (&) with palms facing each other, bring left hand down and right hand up to clap hands (8) *end facing 12*

B: 32c
[1-8] Rock L, recover, behind & cross & cross, 1/4, 1/4, lift (listen)
1-2Rock L out to left side (1) recover weight onto R (2)
3&4&5Step L behind R (3) step R to right side (&) cross L over R (4) Step R to right side (&) cross L over R (5)
6-7-8Making a ¼ turn right, step forward on R (6) Making a ¼ turn right, step L to left side (7) lift right foot off the floor slightly as you raise your left hand to your left ear (as if your listening out for something, the lyrics will say “let me hear that track”) (8) *end facing 6*

[9-16] Step back R, cross L, R side shuffle, & collect, pop heels, & collect, pop heels.
1-2Small step back on R (1) Cross L over R (2)
3&4Step R to right side (3) step L next to R (&) step R to right side (4)
&5&6Step back L toward rear left diagonal (&) Touch R next to L (5) lift heels up (&) drop heels down (6)
&7&8step back R toward rear right diagonal (&) Touch L next to R (7) lift heels up (&) drop heels down (8)

[17-24] Rock L, recover, behind & cross & cross, 1/4 , 1/4 , lift, clap
1-2Rock L out to left side (1) recover weight onto R (2)
3&4&5Step L behind R (3) step R to right side (&) cross L over R (4) Step R to right side (&) cross L over R (5)
6-7-8Making a ¼ turn right, step forward on R (6) Making a ¼ turn right, step L to left side (7) lift right foot off the floor slightly as you clap your hands (8) *end facing 12*

[25-32] Step back R, cross L, R side shuffle, & collect, pop heels, & collect, pop heels.
1-2Small step back on R (1) Cross L over R (2)
3&4Step R to right side (3) step L next to R (&) step R to right side (4)
&5&6Step back L toward rear left diagonal (&) Touch R next to L (5) lift heels up (&) drop heels down (6)
&7&8step back R toward rear right diagonal (&) Touch L next to R (7) lift heels up (&) drop heels down (8)

C: 16c
[1-8] L side, heel twist twist, R behind & infront, R step touch side, L behind & forward
1&2Touch L to left side (1) twist L heel out (&) twist L heel in (2)
3&4Step L behind R (3) step R to right side (&) Cross L over R (4)
5&6Step R out to right side (5) touch L next to R (&) step L to left side (6)
7&8Step R behind L (7) step L to left side (&) step forward on R (8)

[9-16] L shuffle, R step 1/2, ½ shuffle, out out, heels toes
1&2Step L forward (1) step R behind L (&) Step forward on L (2)
3-4Step forward on R (4) Making a ½ turn left, take weight onto L (4) *end facing 6*
5&6Making 1/6th of a turn left, step back on R (5) Making a 1/6th of a turn left, step L in front of R (&) Making a 1/6th of a turn left, step back on R (6) *end facing 12*
&7&8Step L out to left side (&) Step R out to right side (7) bring both heels in (&) bring both toes in (ending with weight on the R) (8)

End of dance, Smile and enjoy 😊


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