CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Miss Thang

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Intermediate / Advanced
Darren Bailey (UK) - May 2024
Miss Thang - Kylie Frey
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Intro: 16 Counts
Restarts: After 56 Counts on walls 2 and 4
Bridge: (3 counts) After 32 Counts on wall 5

Shuffle Forward, 1/2 Turn R, Shuffle 1/2 Turn R, 1/4 Turn R, Slide
1&2Step forward on RF, Close LF next to RF, Step forward on RF
3-4Step forward on LF, Make a 1/2 turn R
5&6Make a 1/2 turn R, and step LF to L side, Close RF next to LF, Make a 1/4 turn R and step back on LF
7-8Make a 1/2 turn R and take a bid step to R, Drag LF towards RF

Sailor Step, Sailor Step, Rock, Recover, Full turn L
1&2Cross LF behind RF, Step RF to R side, Step LF to L side
3&4Cross RF behind LF, Step LF to L side, Step RF to R side (angle body to R)
5-6Cross Rock LF over RF, Recover onto RF
7&8Make a 1/4 turn L and step forward on LF, Make a 1/2 turn L and step back on RF, Make a 1/4 turn L and step LF to L side

Rock, Recover, Shuffle 1/4 R, 1/2 Turn R, Walk x 2
1-2Cross Rock RF over LF, Recover onto LF
3&4Step RF to R side, Close LF next to RF, Make a 1/4 turn R and step RF to R side
5-6Step forward on LF, Make a 1/2 turn R
7-8Step forward on LF, Step forward on RF

Cross Samba x2 (L, R) Jazz Box with 1/2 turn L
1&2Cross LF over RF, Rock RF to R side, Recover onto LF
3&4Cross RF over LF, Rock LF to L side, Recover onto RF
5-6Cross LF over RF, Step back on LF
7-8Make a 1/2 turn L and take a big step forward on LF, Close RF next to LF
(Add 3 Count Bridge here during wall 5 then continue dance from count 33)

Leg Swings with Heel click (R, L, R), Kick R, Behind, Side, Cross, Slide
1Swing RF out to R side (off the floor)
2Close RF next to LF and swing LF out to L side (off the floor)
3Swing RF out to R side (off the floor)
&Hop and click heels together
4Return LF to floor
5&6Cross RF behind LF, Step LF to L side, Cross RF over LF
7-8Take a big step to L with LF, Drag RF towards LF
*Easy option for counts 1-4 are below*
(Side Switches)
1&2&Touch RF to R side, Close RF next to LF, Touch LF to L side, Close LF next to RF
3-4Touch RF to R side, Kick RF to R side

Sailor Step, Sailor 1/4 Turn L, 1/2 turn L, 1/4 turn L with Stomp R, Stomp L
1&2Cross RF behind LF, Step LF to L side, Step RF to R side
3&4Cross LF behind RF, Step RF to R side, Make a 1/4 turn L and step forward on LF
5-6Step forward on RF, Make a 1/2 turn L
7-8Make a 1/4 turn L and stomp RF to R side, Stomp LF next to RF
(leave a little bit of space between you feet in preparation for next step)

Applejacks (R, L, R, L), Heel Switches (R, L), Toe and Heel
1&Weight on L ball of foot and weight on R heel swivel to the R, recover to center
2&Weight on R ball of foot and weight on L heel, swivel to the L, recover to center
3&Weight on L ball of foot and weight on R heel swivel to the R, recover to center
4&Weight on R ball of foot and weight on L heel, swivel to the L, recover to center (Take weight onto LF)
5&6&Touch R heel forward, Close RF next to LF, Touch L heel forward, Step down onto LF
7&8&Touch RF behind LF, Step back on RF, Touch L heel forward, Close LF next to RF
(Restart here on walls 2 and 4)
*Easy option for counts 1-4 are below*
(Heel twists)
1&Twist R heel In, Return to center
2&Twist L heel In, Return to center
3&Twist R heel In, Return to center
4&Twist L heel In, Return to center

Shuffle Forward, 1/2 Turn R, Shuffle Forward, Full Turn L
1&2Step forward on RF, Close LF next to RF, Step forward on RF
3-4Step forward on LF, Make a 1/2 turn R
5&6Step forward on LF, Close RF next to LF, Step forward on LF
7-8Make a 1/2 turn L and step back on RF, Make a 1/2 turn L and step forward on LF

Bridge (after 32 counts on wall 5 then continue from count 33)
Stomp with RF x3
1-2-3Stomp RF next to LF x3

Last Update - 29 May 2024 - R1

2024 7 JUN 6


Shelli June 2, 2024
Great dance! So much fun!

Kato June 3, 2024
This is a proper beaty track and well choreographed dance reminiscent of earlier years. The sort of track and dance that got the heart racing and hooked us all on line dancing! It’s brilliant thanks so much Darren. Hope it does well. Xx

dancer33 June 10, 2024
Brilliant choreography great track x

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