CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Smooching and Swaying

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Dee Musk (UK) - May 2024
Move Closer - Phyllis Nelson : (Album: Phyllis Nelson - Closer.)
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TAG: 8 count tag danced end of wall 6 facing 6 o’clock.
Intro 48 Counts - approx 34 secs (just after the spoken lyric “but in the meantime”).
Track – 4 mins 34 secs. BPM 88.
Track available from and Amazon Music.

Side, Drag, Ball, Cross, ¾ Turn Left, ¼ Turn Left Stepping Side, Drag, Ball, Cross, Side, Close.
1,2&3Step L to L side, drag R to beside L, step R beside L, cross L over R.
4&Make ¼ turn L stepping back on R, make ½ turn L stepping forward on L.
5,6Make ¼ turn L stepping R to R side, drag L to beside R.
&7Step L beside R, cross R over L.
8&Step L to L side, step R beside L. 12 o’clock
** Alternative option for counts 4&5 – Chasse Right.

Press Forward, Recover, Back Touch x 2, Out, Out, Sway Left, Right, Sailor ¼ Turn Left, Cross.
1,2Press L forward, recover weight to R.
&3&4Step back on L, touch R in front of L, step back on R, touch L in front of R.
&5Step out L, step out R.
6,7Sway L, sway R.
8&1Cross step L behind R, make ¼ turn L stepping R to R side, cross L over R. 9 o’clock

Hold, Side, Behind Hitch, Behind, Side, Forward, ½ Turn Left, ½ Turn Left, Lock Step Back.
2&3Hold count 2, step R to R side, cross step L behind R hitching R knee crossing behind L.
4&5Cross R behind L, step L to L side, step forward on R.
6,7Make ½ turn L (weight forward on L), make ½ turn L stepping back on R.
8&1Step back on L, cross R over L, step back on L. 9 o’clock

Full Turn Right with Sweep, Sailor Side, Drag, Ball, Cross, Side, Close.
2,3Make ½ turn R stepping forward on R, make ½ turn R stepping back on L sweeping R behind L.
4&5Cross step R behind L, step L to L side, step R to R side.
6&7Drag L beside R, step L beside R, cross R over L.
8&Step L to L side, close R beside L. 9 o’clock

Tag danced end of wall 6 facing (6.00), then the dance restarts facing 12.00.
¼ Turn Left, Step R, ¾ Unwind Turn Left, Side, Close, ¼ Turn Right, Step ¼ Turn Right, Cross Rock, Recover.
1-3Make ¼ turn L stepping forward on L, step forward on R, unwind ¾ turn L.
4&5Step R to R side, step L beside R, make ¼ turn R stepping forward on R.
6,7Step forward on L, make ¼ turn R (facing 12 o’clock).
8&Cross rock L over R, recover weight to R.

Relax and Enjoy


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