No Tag No Restart
Section 1: R foot press forward, step twice (LR), L press fwd, step 2X(RL), R press to side R, step twice(LR), L press to side L, step twice(RL)
1, 2&R Press forward, L Step, R, Step
3, 4&L Press forward, R Step, L Step
5, 6&R Press slightly R, Step L, Step R
7, 8&L Press slightly L, Step R, Step L
Section 2: Rocking Coaster Right side, then Left side
1, 2R rock forward, L recover weight
3 & 4R step back, L together, R step forward
5, 6L rock forward, R recover
7 & 8L step back, R together, L step forward
Section 3: R rock forward, L recover, R triple half turn to right, Jazz Box 3 / 4 Turn Left
1, 2R rock forward, L recover weight
3 & 4Step RLR while doing a half turn to the right
5, 6Cross L over R, step back R and turn 1 / 4 turn to the Left
7, 8Pivot 1 / 2 turn to L while stepping forward on L foot, touch R foot at instep
Section 4: R Mambo, L Mambo, 4 Sways
1 & 2Step R to right, step L in place, step R at centre
3 & 4Step L to left, step R in place, step L at centre
5 – 8Sway 4 times, RLRL
Section 1: R foot press forward, step twice (LR), L press fwd, step 2X(RL), R press to side R, step twice(LR), L press to side L, step twice(RL)
1, 2&R Press forward, L Step, R, Step
3, 4&L Press forward, R Step, L Step
5, 6&R Press slightly R, Step L, Step R
7, 8&L Press slightly L, Step R, Step L
Section 2: Rocking Coaster Right side, then Left side
1, 2R rock forward, L recover weight
3 & 4R step back, L together, R step forward
5, 6L rock forward, R recover
7 & 8L step back, R together, L step forward
Section 3: R rock forward, L recover, R triple half turn to right, Jazz Box 3 / 4 Turn Left
1, 2R rock forward, L recover weight
3 & 4Step RLR while doing a half turn to the right
5, 6Cross L over R, step back R and turn 1 / 4 turn to the Left
7, 8Pivot 1 / 2 turn to L while stepping forward on L foot, touch R foot at instep
Section 4: R Mambo, L Mambo, 4 Sways
1 & 2Step R to right, step L in place, step R at centre
3 & 4Step L to left, step R in place, step L at centre
5 – 8Sway 4 times, RLRL