Intro: 32 counts - 3 Easy Tags
I Lindy Kicks (Kick R-L, R Triple, Kick L-R, L Triple)
1-4Kick R across L (1), Kick R to side (2), step R (3) L (&) R (4) in place.
5-8Kick L across R (5), Kick L to side (6), step L (7) R (&) L (8) in place.
II R Rocking Chair, 1/4 Left Turn, 1/4 Left Turn
1-4Rock R forward (1), replace L (2), Rock R back (3), replace L (4).
5-8Step R fwd. (5), turn 1/4 L (wt. to L) (6), step R fwd. turn 1/4 L (wt. to L). 6:00
Section III & IV Repeat Section I & II on Back Wall
III Lindy Kicks (Kick R-L, R Triple, Kick L-R, L Triple)
1-4Kick R across L (1), Kick R to side (2), step R (3) L (&) R (4) in place.
5-8Kick L across R (5), Kick L to side (6), step L (7) R (&) L (8) in place.
IV R Rocking Chair, 1/4 Left Turn, 1/4 Left Turn
1-4Rock R forward (1), replace L (2), Rock R back (3), replace L (4).
5-8Step R fwd. (5), turn 1/4 L (wt. to L) (6), step R fwd. turn 1/4 L (wt. to L). 12:00
V Triple Side Right, Rock Step Back L, L Diagonal Rocking Chair
1& 2Step R to side (1), step L close to R (&), step R to side (2).
3-4Step L back (3), recover to R (4).
5-8Step L fwd. toward L diagonal (5), recover R (6), step L back (7), recover R (8) 10:30
VI Triple Side Left, Rock Step Back R, R Diagonal Rocking Chair
1& 2(Face 12:00) Step L to side (1), step R close to R (&), step L to side (2).
3-4Step R back (3), recover to L (4).
5-8Step R fwd. toward R diagonal (5), recover L (6), step R back (7), recover L (8) 1:30
VII Slow Turns: Step R Hold, Turn 1/4 L Hold, w/Claps, Step R Hold, Turn 1/4 L Hold, w/Claps
1-4(Face 12:00) Step R fwd. (1), Hold and clap (2), Turn 1/4 L (wt. L) (3), Hold and clap (4) 9:00
5-8Step R fwd. (5), Hold and clap (6), Turn 1/4 L (wt. L) (7), Hold and clap (8) 6:00
VIII R Rocking Chair and Jazz Triangle w/Stomp
1-4Rock R forward (1), replace L (2), Rock R back (3), replace L (4).
5-8Cross R over L (5), step back L (6), step side R (7), stomp L beside R (8)
Three Easy Tags all facing 12:00
Tag 1 At end of wall 2 (6:00) Tag at 12:00
1-12Side Rock Hold (R and L), Elvis Knees
1-8R Side Rock Together-Hold, L Side Rock Together-Hold.
9-12Elvis Knees - Bend knees inward R-L-R-L (opposite leg is straight on the bends)
Tags 2 & 3 at end of Wall 4 (6:00) and Wall 6 (6:00) Tags at 12:00
1-4Elvis Knees only - Bend knees inward R-L-R-L (opposite leg is straight on the bends)
Could have been a Restart on Wall 7 (12:00) (after the drums) but it’s fine without it.
Ending: Facing 6:00, Do the Triple side right, L back rock step, step side L, cross R over L, unwind L to face front.
Last Update - 8 May 2024 - R1
I Lindy Kicks (Kick R-L, R Triple, Kick L-R, L Triple)
1-4Kick R across L (1), Kick R to side (2), step R (3) L (&) R (4) in place.
5-8Kick L across R (5), Kick L to side (6), step L (7) R (&) L (8) in place.
II R Rocking Chair, 1/4 Left Turn, 1/4 Left Turn
1-4Rock R forward (1), replace L (2), Rock R back (3), replace L (4).
5-8Step R fwd. (5), turn 1/4 L (wt. to L) (6), step R fwd. turn 1/4 L (wt. to L). 6:00
Section III & IV Repeat Section I & II on Back Wall
III Lindy Kicks (Kick R-L, R Triple, Kick L-R, L Triple)
1-4Kick R across L (1), Kick R to side (2), step R (3) L (&) R (4) in place.
5-8Kick L across R (5), Kick L to side (6), step L (7) R (&) L (8) in place.
IV R Rocking Chair, 1/4 Left Turn, 1/4 Left Turn
1-4Rock R forward (1), replace L (2), Rock R back (3), replace L (4).
5-8Step R fwd. (5), turn 1/4 L (wt. to L) (6), step R fwd. turn 1/4 L (wt. to L). 12:00
V Triple Side Right, Rock Step Back L, L Diagonal Rocking Chair
1& 2Step R to side (1), step L close to R (&), step R to side (2).
3-4Step L back (3), recover to R (4).
5-8Step L fwd. toward L diagonal (5), recover R (6), step L back (7), recover R (8) 10:30
VI Triple Side Left, Rock Step Back R, R Diagonal Rocking Chair
1& 2(Face 12:00) Step L to side (1), step R close to R (&), step L to side (2).
3-4Step R back (3), recover to L (4).
5-8Step R fwd. toward R diagonal (5), recover L (6), step R back (7), recover L (8) 1:30
VII Slow Turns: Step R Hold, Turn 1/4 L Hold, w/Claps, Step R Hold, Turn 1/4 L Hold, w/Claps
1-4(Face 12:00) Step R fwd. (1), Hold and clap (2), Turn 1/4 L (wt. L) (3), Hold and clap (4) 9:00
5-8Step R fwd. (5), Hold and clap (6), Turn 1/4 L (wt. L) (7), Hold and clap (8) 6:00
VIII R Rocking Chair and Jazz Triangle w/Stomp
1-4Rock R forward (1), replace L (2), Rock R back (3), replace L (4).
5-8Cross R over L (5), step back L (6), step side R (7), stomp L beside R (8)
Three Easy Tags all facing 12:00
Tag 1 At end of wall 2 (6:00) Tag at 12:00
1-12Side Rock Hold (R and L), Elvis Knees
1-8R Side Rock Together-Hold, L Side Rock Together-Hold.
9-12Elvis Knees - Bend knees inward R-L-R-L (opposite leg is straight on the bends)
Tags 2 & 3 at end of Wall 4 (6:00) and Wall 6 (6:00) Tags at 12:00
1-4Elvis Knees only - Bend knees inward R-L-R-L (opposite leg is straight on the bends)
Could have been a Restart on Wall 7 (12:00) (after the drums) but it’s fine without it.
Ending: Facing 6:00, Do the Triple side right, L back rock step, step side L, cross R over L, unwind L to face front.
Last Update - 8 May 2024 - R1