(clean version of the song is available on Amazon music)
& 1Rock back on R foot, Step L foot forward
2-3Step forward R-L
4Kick R foot forward
5-6Step back R-L
&7Step R foot out to right side & Step L out to the side (shoulder width apart)
&8Step R foot in, Step R foot in.
Grapevine R/Grapevine L
1-4Step R to the Side, Step L behind R, Step R to the Side, Touch L
5-8Rolling Grapevine to the L: Step L as you turn ¼ to the L, Step R as you turn ¼ to the L, Step L as you turn ½ to the L, Brush R foot forward
Rock Recover, Triple, Rock Recover, Cross
1-2Cross R over L transfer weight to R, Recover weight as you Rock Back L
3&4Turn ¼ to the R as you shuffle R-L-R forward
5Rock forward on L foot
6Recover weight back on R foot
7&8Step L foot back, step R foot beside L foot, cross L over R
Toe Touches
1-2Step R foot to the side, point L toe forward and in front of R foot
3-4Step L foot to the side, point R toe forward and in front of L foot
&Step R foot to the side
5Touch L toe forward
&Step L foot to the side
6Touch R toe forward
7-8Snap fingers twice to keep beat (optional) while you tap R heel to floor twice but do not apply weight
Start the dance again
Last Update - 5 Jan 2025 - R1
& 1Rock back on R foot, Step L foot forward
2-3Step forward R-L
4Kick R foot forward
5-6Step back R-L
&7Step R foot out to right side & Step L out to the side (shoulder width apart)
&8Step R foot in, Step R foot in.
Grapevine R/Grapevine L
1-4Step R to the Side, Step L behind R, Step R to the Side, Touch L
5-8Rolling Grapevine to the L: Step L as you turn ¼ to the L, Step R as you turn ¼ to the L, Step L as you turn ½ to the L, Brush R foot forward
Rock Recover, Triple, Rock Recover, Cross
1-2Cross R over L transfer weight to R, Recover weight as you Rock Back L
3&4Turn ¼ to the R as you shuffle R-L-R forward
5Rock forward on L foot
6Recover weight back on R foot
7&8Step L foot back, step R foot beside L foot, cross L over R
Toe Touches
1-2Step R foot to the side, point L toe forward and in front of R foot
3-4Step L foot to the side, point R toe forward and in front of L foot
&Step R foot to the side
5Touch L toe forward
&Step L foot to the side
6Touch R toe forward
7-8Snap fingers twice to keep beat (optional) while you tap R heel to floor twice but do not apply weight
Start the dance again
Last Update - 5 Jan 2025 - R1