CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Easy Intermediate
Dustin Valcalda (USA) & Sierra Gil (USA) - April 2024
Pose - Kali J, Omg & LiTTiE
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*1st Place winner at the Florida Line Dance Classic choreography competiton, Phrased division.
Sequence: A, B, A, B, A-, Tag, B
Intro: 16 Counts

SECTION A – 48 Counts
[1 -8] R Wizard, L Wizard, R Rock Step, Pony Back
1-2&Step RF diagonally R, Lock LF behind RF, Step RF forward (12:00)
3-4&Step LF diagonally L, Lock RF behind LF, Step LF forward (12:00)
5-6Rock RF forward, Recover LF (12:00)
7&8Step RF back hitching L knee, Step LF beside RF, Step RF back hitching L knee (12:00)

[9-16] ¼ Side Rock, ¼ Recover, Coaster Step, ¼ Pivot, Cross Triple Step
1-2Turn ¼ L while rocking LF to L, Recover RF while turning ¼ L (6:00)
3&4Step LF back, Step RF next to LF, Step LF forward (6:00)
5-6Step RF forward, Pivot ¼ L (3:00)
7&8Cross RF over LF, Step LF to L, Cross RF over LF (3:00)

[17-24] ¼ Pivot, Triple Step, Modified Jazz Box w/ Ball Cross, Side Step
1-2Step LF to L side, Pivot ¼ R (6:00)
3&4Step LF forward, Step RF next to LF, Step LF forward (6:00)
5-6&Cross RF over LF, Step LF back diagonal L, Ball RF next to LF (6:00)
7-8Cross LF over RF, Step RF to R side (6:00)

[25-32] Sailor Step, Turning Toe Strut w/ Flick, Forward, ¼ Side, ¼ Sailor Step
1&2Step LF behind RF, Step RF to R side, Step LF to L (6:00)
3-4Turn ½ over R shoulder while touching R toe back, Hop onto RF and flick L foot up while turning ¼ R (3:00)
5-6Step LF forward, Step RF forward w/ ¼ turn L (12:00)
7&8Step LF behind RF, Step RF to R side w/ ¼ turn L, Step LF forward (9:00)
TAG NOTE: A- Section ends here and moves into this dance’s only TAG

[33-40] Circular Walks w/ Triple Steps while turning to 12:00 over L shoulder
1-2(while turning slightly over L shoulder) Step RF forward, Step LF forward (7:30)
3&4(continue turning over L shoulder) Step RF forward, Step LF next to RF, Step RF forward (4:30)
5-6(continue turning over L shoulder) Step LF forward, Step RF forward (1:30)
7&8(finishing turning over L shoulder to 12:00) Step LF forward, Step RF next to LF, Step LF forward (12:00)

[41-48] Toe Press, Ball, Touch, Twist, Twist, Backward Run, POSE!
1-2&Press R toe forward, Recover LF, Ball RF next to LF (12:00)
3&4Touch LF forward, Twist L & R heels to L, Twist L & R heels back to center (12:00)
5&6Step LF back, Step RF back, Step LF back (12:00)
&7-8Step RF back, Step LF back, POSE (12:00)
Styling Note: Have fun with your poses on count 8! Pose however you want, just make sure weight favors LF.

SECTION B – 32 Counts
This section is designed to feel like you're a fashion model on a catwalk.  Add your own sass and attitude to your steps for fun!
[1-8] Walk R, Walk L, Walk R, ½ Strut Bump, Flick, Step, POSE!
1-2Step RF forward, Step LF forward (12:00)
3-4&Step RF forward, Touch L toe forward while bumping L hip forward w/ ¼ turn R, Bump L hip back (3:00)
5-6Step onto LF w/ ¼ turn R, Flick RF back (6:00)
7-8Step RF forward, POSE w/ weight favoring RF (6:00)

[9-16] Walk L, Walk R, Walk L, ½ Strut Bump, Flick, Step, POSE!
1-2Step LF forward, Step RF forward (6:00)
3-4&Step LF forward, Touch R toe forward while bumping R hip forward w/ ¼ turn L, Bump R hip back (3:00)
5-6Step onto RF w/ ¼ turn L, Flick LF back (12:00)
7-8Step LF forward, POSE w/ weight favoring LF (12:00)

[17-24] Hip Bump, Hip Bump, Hip Sways, POSE!
1-2Step RF to R and Bump Hips to R x2 (12:00)
3-4Shift weight to LF and Bump Hips to L x2 (12:00)
5-6Sway Hips R, Sway Hips L (12:00)
7-8Sway Hips R, POSE w/ weight change to LF (12:00)

[25-32] Rolling Vine R, Rolling Vine L w/ POSE!
1-2Step RF to R w/ ¼ turn R, Step LF forward w/ ½ turn R (9:00)
3-4Step RF back w/ ¼ turn R, touch LF next to RF (12:00)
5-6Step LF to L w/ ¼ turn L, Step RF forward w/ ½ turn L (3:00)
7-8Step LF back w/ ¼ turn L, POSE w/ weight favoring LF (12:00)

1-4Paddle Turns, POSE!
1-2Touch RF to R w/ ¼ turn L, Touch RF to R w/ ¼ turn L, (3:00)
3-4Touch RF to R w/ ¼ turn L, POSE w/ weight favoring LF (12:00)

Dance continues at beginning of section B.

Last Update: 10 Dec 2024


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