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Thicc Girls Wear Bell Bottoms

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Phrased Intermediate
Kaisa Wagner (USA) & Casey Sharples (USA) - March 2024
Thicc As Thieves - Lauren Alaina & Lainey Wilson
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Sequence: A-a-A-B-A-C-A-B-C-C-C-A-B-A
#16 second instrumental intro, Start dance with first word.

Phrase A: 32 counts
Section 1: Wizard R, Wizard L rock recover, ¼, ½
1-2&Step right foot forward to diagonal, lock left foot behind, step right foot forward on diagonal
3-4&Step left foot forward to diagonal, lock right foot behind, step left foot forward on diagonal
5-6Cross right foot over left, recover onto left
7-8Turn ¼ turn over right shoulder (face 3:00), turn ½ over right (face 9:00). Weight on left.

Section 2: Weave, ¼ rock recover, kick, ball, stomp
1-4Weave by stepping right foot behind, left foot to left, right crossing in front of left, left foot to left
5-6¼ turn back on right, stepping back onto right, recover forward onto left foot
7&8Kick right foot forward, ball step on right, stomp left foot forward
Restart here after 16 counts on the second wall

Section 3: shuffle forward, ½ pivot right, shuffle forward, ½ pivot left
1&2Step right foot forward, left foot together, right foot forward
3-4Step left foot forward pivot ½ over right shoulder facing 6:00
5&6Step left foot forward, right foot together, left foot forward
7-8Step right foot forward, pivot ½ over left shoulder facing 12:00

Section 4: Cross points, jazz with ½ turn
1-2Cross right foot over left, point left foot to left
3-4Cross left foot over right, point right foot to right
5-6Cross right foot over left, step left foot back ¼ turn over right shoulder
7-8Turn another ¼ over right (facing 6:00), step forward with left

Phrase B: 16 counts
Section 1: hip rolls/sways
1-2Roll hips counterclockwise or sway, landing on right foot, while raising right arm up
3-4Roll hips clockwise or sway, landing on left foot, while raising left arm up
5-6Keep arms in the air, roll hips counterclockwise or sway, landing on right foot
7-8Keep arms in the air, roll hips clockwise or sway, landing on left foot

Section 2: ¼ turning hip rolls to left
1-2¼ turning counterclockwise hip roll, doing counterclockwise arms (9:00)
3-4¼ turning counterclockwise hip roll, doing counterclockwise arms (6:00)
5-6¼ turning counterclockwise hip roll, doing counterclockwise arms (3:00)
7-8¼ turning counterclockwise hip roll, doing counterclockwise arms (12:00)

Phrase C: 16 counts
Section 1: Kick and point, kick and point, shimmy, touch
1&2Kick right foot forward, step right foot next to left, point left foot to left
3&4Kick left foot forward, step left foot next to right, point right foot to right
5-7Shimmy to right making a big step to right, slowly dragging left toe in
8Touch left foot next to right

Section 2: Knee pops
1-2Step back on left, popping right knee, as you slap both hands to glutes (“Bell-bottom”)
3-4Step back on right, popping left knee, as you place hands on sides at waist (“High-rise”)
5Step back on left, popping right knee, hold arms out with palms up, closing fingers to palms (“Gimme”)
6Step back on right, popping left knee, close fingers to palms (“Gimme”)
7Step back on left, popping right knee, close fingers to palms (“Gimme”)
8Hold (keep weight on left)

Optional styling:
On wall 5 (phrase A) section 2 counts 7-8 (kick, ball, stomp) lean back to “Chug your Pabst Blue Ribbon”.
Also on wall 5 (phrase A), section 4 counts 5-8 (jazz ½) right cross left foot as normal, turn ½ turn instead over left shoulder as you do a big kick out “Tae bo fitness”. Finish with left coaster step (back left, together right, forward left). Continue with phrase C with right kick forward.
Please feel free to reach out to if you have any questions.

Last Update: 7 Mar 2024


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