Intro: 8 counts after he says “yeah”
Toe/Heel, Shuffle forward; Toe/Heel, Shuffle forward
1, 2Touch right toe next to left foot, touch right heel next to left foot
3&4Shuffle forward, RLR
5,6Touch left toe next to right foot, touch left heel next to right foot
7&8Shuffle forward, LRL
Sway-Sway, Shuffle to the side; ¼ turn
1, 2Sway body right then left
3&4Shuffle to the right,
5, 6Sway body left then right
7&8Shuffle to the left with a ¼ turn left
Charleston, Shuffle forward, ¼ turn shuffle forward
1,2,3,4Charleston (touch right toe forward, step back in place, tough left toe back, step back in place)
5&6shuffle forward (RLR)
7&8¼ turn shuffle forward (LRL)
½ turn then shuffle; ½ turn then shuffle
1,2Step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn
3&4Shuffle forward (RLR)
5,6Step left foot forward, pivot ½ turn
7&8Shuffle forward (LRL)
Tag: After 3rd time through sequence, 2 step-touch (rt/lt) facing 6:00. Restart dance.
Toe/Heel, Shuffle forward; Toe/Heel, Shuffle forward
1, 2Touch right toe next to left foot, touch right heel next to left foot
3&4Shuffle forward, RLR
5,6Touch left toe next to right foot, touch left heel next to right foot
7&8Shuffle forward, LRL
Sway-Sway, Shuffle to the side; ¼ turn
1, 2Sway body right then left
3&4Shuffle to the right,
5, 6Sway body left then right
7&8Shuffle to the left with a ¼ turn left
Charleston, Shuffle forward, ¼ turn shuffle forward
1,2,3,4Charleston (touch right toe forward, step back in place, tough left toe back, step back in place)
5&6shuffle forward (RLR)
7&8¼ turn shuffle forward (LRL)
½ turn then shuffle; ½ turn then shuffle
1,2Step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn
3&4Shuffle forward (RLR)
5,6Step left foot forward, pivot ½ turn
7&8Shuffle forward (LRL)
Tag: After 3rd time through sequence, 2 step-touch (rt/lt) facing 6:00. Restart dance.