CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Dasha (USA) - February 2024
Austin - Dasha
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(note: in my YouTube tutorial, it states 2 wall but it is only 1 wall)

Start: On lyrics, “Did your boots…”

1,2R heel, L heel
3&4&R heel, lift R foot in front of L leg, R heel, lift R foot behind L leg
Optional: tap heel with L hand when lifting R leg
5,6,7,8Two half turns starting with stepping forward with R foot and turning L
Optional: swing either arm like lasso rope while turning

1,2,3,4R grapevine with final step a jump together (step R foot out, L behind, R out and end with jumping feet together 1st position)
5,6,7,8Repeat going to the L

1,2,3,4Double R heel, double L heel
5,6,7,8R toe & R heel, L toe & L heel

1,2,3,4Two half turns starting with stepping forward with L foot and turning R
Box Step
5,6,7,8Box step – bring L foot in front of R, step R foot back, L foot back and bring R foot in (1st position)

Submitted by: TrebleThreat - Email:


Karyl April 6, 2024
So it's supposed to be a one wall, according to this step sheet but lot's of the tutorials, do a quarter jazz box at the end..that actually makes it more interesting to make it a four wall.

suzyq April 8, 2024
Is it me or do these videos also all turn the wrong way than is scripted on the second set of pivot turns ??
The first video seems to be back to front as well, when she’s saying right it’s her left etc.

Karyl April 9, 2024
Suzyq I agree! several of the videos do not follow the step sheet..they are supposed step out with the L and pivot to the right and do a left jazz box on the last 8 counts

Jeremy Quirt - Wisconsin Country Style Dancers April 10, 2024
Is this the version that was performed at the CMA on Tv?

Jeremy Quirt - Wisconsin Country Style Dancers April 11, 2024
The only video that seems to follow the step sheet is the one marked Good Vibes.

MrEd May 22, 2024
The dance was originally done by the singer herself as a 1 wall dance, but in order to make it a regular 4 wall dance, she uses the jazz box at the end with a 1/4 turn to the LEFT! The last 8 counts starts with the left foot pivoting, and a left turning jazz box. Any videos doing it differently should not be on this page, because it's very confusing.

Judy (Labra) Baldak July 7, 2024
Dasha has the best TEACH video with demo and teach. This step sheet needs to be rewritten and delete videos that are not correct!! Please!!

Judy (Labra) Baldak July 12, 2024
I was mistaken in my first comment above (but don’t know how to delete or edit it). I thought the blonde in one of the teach videos is Dasha, but now not sure. Here is Dasha in a TikTok video doing it the way she choreographed (but as 1 wall). This is really messed up!!!

Lenora September 4, 2024
Teaching this tonight and very confused bc most do right foot lead throughout dance, stepsheet has last 8 with left foot lead and left foot turn. I watched two of her videos has she does left foot lead all the way thru and next video she did right all the thru

Kimi Kiwi March 18, 2025
Definitely confusing with all the different videos out there. Personally I really like it the way it is written with the left foot leading the second set of pivots because your left foot is already up. Just before the first set of pivots the right foot is up and those pivots start with a right step out. As for the 1 wall vs 4 wall dance (either turning right or left at the end) it's probably going to be a local thing that might be different everywhere and you'll have to adapt because it seems the 4 wall versions are pretty prevalent.

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