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Arms of an Angel

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Easy Intermediate - waltz
Paula-jayne Ogilvie (AUS) - January 2024
Angel (feat. Beccy Cole) - Hayley Jensen
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This dance contains 1 restart and a hesitation with a tag and restart with step change.
Weight should be on RF to start the dance,
Dance starts on the word "waiting"

Section 1 - 1/4 left, sweep, cross, side, behind.
1,2,31/4 turn left stepping LF forward, sweep RF from back to front for 2 counts. (9:00)
4,5,6Cross RF in front of LF, step LF to L side, cross RF behind LF.

Section 2 - step left, drag right to left, cross waltz 1/2 turn.
1,2,3Big step with LF to L side, drag RF towards LF for 2 counts.
4,5,6cross RF over LF, step LF back 1/4 turn to right, step RF forward making 1/4 turn to right (3:00).

Section 3 - step left forward, hook right behind left, step back, sweep.
1,2,3step LF forward, hook RF behind LF dragging your toe up back of leg for 2 counts.
4,5,6step RF back, sweep LF from front to back for 2 counts.

Section 4 - toe touch 1/2 turn, sway hips L,R,L
1,2,3touch L toe behind RF, 1/2 left for 2 counts (keeping weight on RF keeping your left heel off the ground) (9:00)
4,5,6step LF to L side swaying hips L,R,L

Section 5 - 1/4 turn, 1/2 turn, cross samba.
1,2,3step 1/4 turn right, step RF forward (12:00), pivot 1/2 turn right weight on LF. (6:00)
4,5,6cross LF over RF, step RF to right side, recover weight LF.

Section 6 - cross samba, cross point.
1,2,3cross RF over LF, step LF to right side, recover weight RF
4,5,6step LF forward over RF, point RF to right side, hold

Section 7 - back point, modified sailor 1/4 turn left.
1,2,3step back RF, point LF to left side, hold
4,5,6step LF behind RF, 1/4 turn left stepping right out to side, step LF forward. (3:00)

Section 8 - point right, 1/4 sailor
1,2,3point RF to right side hold, hold,
4,5,6Cross RF behind left, 1/4 turn right stepping LF out to side, recover weight to RF. (6:00)

End of dance.

Notes. This dance is 2 walls but with restart and tag turns it into a 4 wall .
Restart:- wall 5 after 23 counts only sway left and right then restart dance 9:00. Stepping LF 1/4 sweep (6:00)

Hesitation, tag, restart:- this happens all on wall 7 (9:00) after 36 counts you will be on wall 7 facing 9:00 after cross point you will pause for 6 counts until music restarts then complete following tag and after tag restart the dance.

TAG... back sweep, back sweep, behind, rock, recover, full spiral turn
1,2,3,step RF back, sweep LF front to back for 2 counts
4,5,6step LF back, sweep RF front to back for 2 counts
1,2,3cross RF behind LF, step LF out to side rocking to left, recover weight onto RF.
4,5,6touch left toe behind RF, unwindful turn left back to 9:00 keeping weight on right foot and keeping left heel off ground)
restart dance without 1/4 turn just restart dance with step forward LF sweep 9:00

Ending wall 9 after 39 counts 1/2 turn sailor, step forward drag.
1,2,3cross LF behind RF turning 1/4 left, step RF out to right side turning 1/4 left, step forward on LF. 12:00.
4,5,6step right foot forward, drag left foot up to right for 2 counts

More info contact Paula Jayne Ogilvie at

Last Update: 14 Feb 2024


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