CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Pass the Bar

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Andy Arizona (UK) - January 2024
Can't Pass The Bar - Scotty McCreery
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Intro 32 counts
**2 tags / 2 restarts

Sec 1 - R heel grind ¼ R, R back rock. Repeat these 4 counts
1 - 4Touch R heel fwd grind R heel ¼ R stepping L to L side , rock back on R, recover on L
5 - 8Repeat counts 1-4
WALL 3 . TAG 1 , Grapevine rt touch left , Grapevine left touch rt (restart) facing 12o clock

sec 2 - weave rt , touch kick x2
1234step rt to rt side, step left behind rt ,step rt to rt side, cross left over rt
5678touch rt toe next to left , kick rt to right diagonal , touch rt toe next to left , kick rt to right diagonal ,

Sec 3 - Behind side cross ,side rock rec behind side cross
1234step rt behind left 1, step left to left side 2 ,cross rt over left 3, rock left to left side 4
5678recover onto rt 5. step left behind rt 6 , step rt to rt side 7 , cross left over rt 8

sec 4 - Monterey ½ rt , Monterey ¼ rt
1 - 2Point R toe to right side,make 1/2 turn right stepping R at side of L
3 - 4Point L to left side, step L at side of R
5 - 6Point R toe to right side,make 1/4 turn right stepping R at side of L
7 - 8Point L to left side, step L at side of R

Sec 5 - Diagonal Lock Steps R-L and walk R .L
1234Step R Fwd to R Diagonal 1, Lock L Behind R 2 , Step R Forward 3 , Step L Fwd L Diagonal 4
5678Lock R Behind L 5, Step L Fwd 6 .Walk forward Right 7 , Left 8
(syncopated lock steps
RESTART HERE END OF WALL 6 facing 9 o clock AND WALL 7 facing Front

Sec 6 - Slow Pivot ½, V step
1234Step R forward hold , pivot ½ turn over L (3:00) (weight on left) hold
5678Step R out into R diagonal, step L out into L diagonal, step R back, step L together

Tag 2 repeat this section end of wall 8 facing 9 o clock, then start the dance again facing 3 o clock

Ending make a ½ turn left to the front at the of section 5


PAY January 18, 2024
could we have a demo video please

Andy arizona January 18, 2024
I’ve just added one thankyou

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