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Life Was a Willow

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Hanna Pitkänen (FIN) - December 2023
willow - Taylor Swift
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**2 easy tags as explained on the bottom of this stepsheet
Start the dance after 16 counts of heavy beat, approx. 15 second into track.

[1-8]: Dorothy x2, scuff, hitch, syncopated jazz box
1,2&Step RF to diagonal forward (1), lock LF behind RF (2), small step on RF to diagonal forward (&)
3,4&Step LF to diagonal forward (3), lock RF behind LF (4), small step on LF to diagonal forward (&)
5&6Scuff RF next to LF (5), hitch RF (&), cross RF over LF (6)
7&8Step back LF (7), step RF to side (&), cross LF over RF (8)

[9-16]: Hitch, side, drag, behind, side, cross, scuff, side, touch, side, behind, side, cross shuffle
&1Hitch RF (&), take a big step side with RF as you drag LF towards RF (1)
2&3Step LF behind RF (2), step RF to side (&), cross LF over RF (3)
&4&5Scuff RF next to LF (&), step RF to side (5), touch LF behind RF (&), step LF to side (6)
6&7Step RF behind LF (6), step LF to side (&), cross RF over LF (7)
&8Step LF next to RF (&), cross RF over LF (8)
* Tag 1 comes here on wall 2 (scroll down to see specifics)

[17-24]: ½ sweep turn, cross, side, behind, ¼ turn, rock fwd, together, cross, run around ½ circle
1Step LF to side as you make a ½ turn left sweeping RF from back to front (1)
2,3Cross RF over LF (2), step LF to side (3)
&4Step RF behind LF (&), ¼ turn left stepping LF forward (4) 3.00
5,6Step RF forward (5), recover weight back to LF (6)
&7Step RF next to LF (&), cross LF over RF (7)
8-&Start a run around ½ circle stepping RF forward then LF forward (8-&) 9.00

[25-32]: Step, sweep, cross, touch behind, back, sweep, sailor step, step, pivot ½ turn, triple turn
1,2End the circle stepping RF forward as you sweep LF from back to front (1), cross LF over RF (2)
&3Touch RF behind LF (&), step back RF as you sweep LF from front to back (3)
4&5Step LF behind RF (4), step RF next to LF (&), step LF forward (5)
6,7½ turn right as you transfer weight to RF (6), ½ turn right as you step back LF (7)
&8½ turn right as you step RF forward (&), step LF forward (8)

Start again

TAG 1:
Wall 2 starts facing 3.00, tag comes after 16 counts. Add the following steps and restart the dance facing the back wall, where wall no 3 would normally start.
1Step LF to side as you make a 3/4 turn left sweeping RF from back to front (1) 6.00
2Touch RF next to LF (2)

TAG 2:
Happens after wall 5 facing 3.00
1,2Step RF out to diagonal forward (1), step LF out to side (2)
3,4Step back RF (3), step back LF (4)
When danced to the music video version, add a back rock, recover for counts 5,6

If you like to have an ending:
The wall no 9 ends facing 3.00
Hitch RF (&), hold (1), turn ¼ left stepping RF to side (2) 12.00

Have fun dancing!



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