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Sweet Jam (Love It Love It)

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Jonno Liberman (USA), Kat Painter (USA), Anais Cordebard (USA) & Jonathan Tsu (UK) - February 2023
Love It (feat. Ivory Layne) - UNSECRET
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Sequence: 32 • 16 • 32 • Tag • 32 • 16 • 32 • 32* • 32 • 32

[1-8] Slide, Flick, Rocking Chair, 1/2 Diamond (4:30)
1, 2Step R to right, Turn 1/8 left as you step L next to R and flick R back (10:30)
3&4&Step R forward, Recover back onto L, Step R back, Recover forward onto L
5&6Step R forward, Turn 1/8 right as you step L to left (12:00), Turn 1/8 right as you step R back (1:30)
7&8Step L back, Turn 1/8 right as you step R to right (3:00), Turn 1/8 right as you step L forward (4:30)

[9-16] 1/8 Sweep, Cross, Side Touch x2, 1/2 Pivot, Turning Side Touch x2 (6:00)
1, 2Turn 1/8 right as you step R forward and sweep L from back to front (6:00), Cross L over R
&3&4Step R to right, Touch L next to R, Step L to left, Touch R next to L
5, 6Step R forward, Pivot 1/2 left onto L (12:00)
&7Turn 1/4 left as you step R to right (9:00), Touch L next to R
&8Turn 1/4 left as you step L to left (6:00), Touch R next to L
Restart here on walls 2 and 5.

[17-24] 1/4 Hip Roll, Kick Ball Step, 3/4 Walk w/Hip Rolls (12:00)
1, 2Step R to right, Circle hips clockwise as you turn 1/4 right with weight finishing on L (9:00)
3&4Kick R forward, Step R next to L, Step L forward
5-8Walk R, L, R, L in a 3/4 circle turning left as you circle your hips in a counterclockwise motion (12:00)

[25-32] Progressive Apple Jacks, Out, Out, Hip Sways (12:00)
1&2Step R forward, Swivel R toe and L heel to right, Swivel both back to center
3&4Step L forward, Swivel L toe and R heel to left, Swivel both back to center
5Step R out as you reach both hands forward with wrists facing down
6Step L out as you close hands into fists, pulling them to hips with wrists facing up
7, 8Swing hips right, Swing hips left
*Styling Option: On Wall 7*, jump both feet out on count 5 and roll body up counts 6-8.

Tag: The tag will happen at the end of the 3rd repetition facing 6:00
[1-8] Slide, Flick, Rocking Chair, 3/8 Pivot, Turning Side Touch x2 (6:00)
1, 2Step R to right, Turn 1/8 left as you step L next to R and flick R back (4:30)
3&4&Step R forward, Recover back onto L, Step R back, Recover forward onto L
5, 6Step R forward, Pivot 3/8 left onto L (12:00)
&7Turn 1/4 left as you step R to right (9:00), Touch L next to R
&8Turn 1/4 left as you step L to left (6:00), Touch R next to L

Note: This dance is choreographed as a one wall dance, but the restarts will cause you to change walls. Walls 3, 4, and 5 will face 6:00. All other walls will be at 12:00.

Last Update: 29 Sep. 2024 - R2


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