CopperKnob Stepsheets

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MSC Swing

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Steve Rutter (UK) & Claire Rutter (UK) - January 2024
Eye Candy - Masha Ray : (Album: Electro Swing)
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(32 Count Intro’ – 21 Secs)

Section 1 - Right Charleston Step, Coaster Step, Pivot 1/4 Turn Left, Crossing Shuffle .
1-2Touch right toe forward and in front of left, step right back behind left.
3&4Step back on left, close right beside left, step forward on left.
5-6Step right forward, pivot a quarter turn left.
7&8Cross right over left, step left to left side, cross right over left.

Section 2 - Side Rock, Close, Side Rock, Jazz Box.
1-2Rock left to left side, recover weight onto right.
&Close left beside right.
3-4Rock right to right side, recover weight onto left.
5-6Cross right over left, step back on left.
7-8Step right to right side, step forward on left.

Section 3 - Charleston Step Sequence.
1-2Touch right forward in front of left, touch right toe back behind left.
3-4Touch right toe forward in front of left, step back on right and behind left.
When dancing wall 2 and 7, change count 4 above to a TOUCH back rather than a step back, then Restart dance from beginning, this will make it 3 Charleston’s with the right in a row each time, including the one at beginning (Wall 2 - Facing 6 O’clock & Wall 7 - Facing 3 O’clock)
5-6Touch left toe back behind right, step left foot forward and in front of right.
7-8Touch right toe forward and in front of left, step right back and behind left.

Section 4 - Step Back, 1/4 Turn Right, Weave, 1/4 Turn Right, Pivot 1/2 Turn Right, Step Forward.
1-2Step back on left, make a quarter turn right stepping right to right side.
3-4Cross left over right, step right to right side.
5-6Cross left behind right, make a quarter turn right stepping forward on right.
7&8Step left forward, pivot a half turn right, step forward on left.

RESTARTS: When dancing wall 2 and wall 7 dance up to count 19, and then change count 20 to a TOUCH back rather than a step back, then restart dance from beginning, this will make it 3 Charleston steps with the right in a row each time, including the one at beginning.
(Wall 2 - Facing 6 O’clock &Wall 7 - Facing 3 O’clock)

Enjoy! 😊


cleo January 6, 2024
lovely dance Steve and Claire hope it does well for you (Liz L)

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