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Breathe Cha

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José Miguel Belloque Vane (NL) & Tim Johnson (UK) - December 2023
Breathe - Parah Dice & Brianna
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Count In: Dance begins after 32 counts
Notes: Tag happens at the end of wall 6 facing the front.

[1-8] L side, 1/8 R rock back, recover, R shuffle, step L, ½ R, ½ L shuffle back
1 -2Step L to left side (1) Making an 1/8 turn right, step back on R (2) *end facing 1:30
3- 4&5Recover weight onto L (3) Step forward on R (4) step L behind R (&) step forward on R (5)
6-7Step forward on L (6) Making a ½ turn to your right, recover weight onto R (7)
8&Making a ½ turn to your right, step back on L (8) step R back Infront of L (&)
*end facing 1:30

[9-16] 1/8 R behind, L side, R cross, 1/8 L shuffle, R forward, ½ hold, heal twists
1Step back on L (1) {this ends the shuffle back from the previous section}
2&3Making an 1/8 of a turn left, step R behind L (2) step L to left side (&) Cross R over L (3) *end facing 12
4&5Making an 1/8 of a turn left, Step L forward (4) step R behind L (&) step L forward (5) *end facing 10:30
6-7Step R forward (6) taking weight on L, making a ½ turn left (7) *end facing 5:30
8&Hold (8) twist both heels out to the left (&)

[17-24] L forward, ½ left, ½ shuffle, cross rock R, recover L, 1/8 R sailor
1Twist heels back in place taking weight onto R (1)
2-3Step forward on L (2) continuing to travel forward, make ½ turn to the left stepping back on R (3)
4&5Making a ½ turn to the left, step forward L (4) step R behind L (&) step forward L
6-7Cross R over L (option to make this a small jump, flicking L up behind R) (6) making an 1/8 turn to the right, step back on L as you sweep R from front to back (7) *end facing 6
8&Step R behind L (8) step L to left side (&)

[25-32] L cross samba, full volta turn right, chest pop
1Step R next to L (1) {this ends the sailor step from the previous section}
2&3Cross L over R (2) rock R to right side (&) recover weight onto L (3)
4&5&Making a ¼ turn right, step forward on R (4) lock L behind R (&) making a ¼ turn right, step forward on R (5) lock L behind R (&)
6&7-8Making a ¼ turn right, step forward on R (6) lock L behind R (&) making a ¼ turn right, step forward on R (7) holding right hand over chest pop chest forward and back (8)
*end facing 6

TAG: (40c) At the end of wall 6, facing the front
[1-8] L cross, R side, L behind sweep, behind side 1/4 , hold
1-2-3Cross L over R (1) step R to right side (2) step L behind R as you start to sweep R from front to back (3)
4-5continue to slowly sweep R from front to back over the 2 counts (4-5)
6&7step R behind L (6) making a ¼ turn left, step L to left side (&) step forward on R, hold right arm out in front of you, palm facing forward (7) *end facing 9 o’clock
8Hold (8)

[1-8] L cross rock, recover, ¼, drag, cross, 1/4 , collect, hold
1-2Cross rock L over R (1) recover weight on R (2)
3-4-5making a ¼ turn to the left, take a large step out to the left on L (3) keeping weight on L, continue to slowly drag R towards L (4-5) *end facing 6
6&7Cross R over L (6) making a ¼ turn to the right step back on L (&) raising up onto your toes, step R next to L (7) *end facing 9 o’clock
8Hold (8)

[1-8] Step L, 1/2, 1/4, L sway, R prep, full turn, hold
1-2Step forward on L (1) continuing to travel forward, making a ½ turn to the left stepping back on R (2)
3-4Making a ¼ turn to the left, step L to left side (3) sway body to the left (4) *end facing 12
5-6&7Rock R out to the right side as you prep body (5) making a ¼ turn to the left, step forward on L (6) make a ½ turn to the left stepping back on R (&) make a ¼ turn to the left stepping L to left side (7) *end facing 12
8hold (8)

[1-8] R side, L close, body roll, back L, ¼ sway
1-2Step R to right side as you reach right arm out in front of you, palm facing up (1) Keeping your right arm out, close L next to R as you reach left arm out in front of you, palm facing up (2)
3-4Pull both arms in, closing fists and tucking elbows in to your waist as you begin to body roll from head to toe (3) continue to body roll down as you slowly drop your arms by your sides(4)
5-6Slowly step back on left over the two counts (5-6)
7-8Making a ¼ turn to the right, step R out to right side (7) as your weight moves to the R continue to sway the body out to the right (8) *end facing 3 o’clock

[1-8] R side, L close, body roll, back L, ¼ sway
1-2Rock L out to left side (1) sway body to the left (2)
3-4Rock R out to right side (3) sway body to the right (4)
5-6making a ¼ turn left, step forward on L (5) continuing to travel forward, make a ½ turn left stepping back on R (6)
7-8continuing to travel forward, make a ½ left stepping forward on L (7) cross R over L, hold right hand over chest popping chest forward (8) *end facing 12

End of dance, Smile and enjoy 😊

2024 11 JAN 6 22 JAN '24 50


JK January 6, 2024
I think the tag is missing from this stepsheet, Jose & Tim.

Jules56 January 9, 2024
Amazing dance love it well done guys xx

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