CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Get Up Off the Floor

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Phrased Improver
Betty Hartman (USA) - January 2024
Sequence: A, A, 4 count/tag 1, B, B, B 8 counts, A, A, 4 count/tag 1, B, B, B 8 counts, A28 counts, 19& count/tag 2, B,B,B,B, B, end

PART A – Always Starts facing 12:00 and 9:00 32 counts
R Grapevine, L Heel Bounce x4 (optional arms, act like your heart is beating in your chest or that you are playing a drum/roll your hands during heel bounces)
1-4Step R to R side(1), L behind(2), R to side(3), Step L(4)
5-8Raise L heel up and down 4 times (weight stays on R) (12:00)

L Grapevine, R Heel Bounce x4 (optional arms, act like your heart is beating in your chest or that you are playing a drum/roll your hands during heel bounces)
1-4Step L to L side(1), R behind(2), L to side (3), Step R(4)
5-8Raise R heel up and down 4 times (weight stays on L) (12:00)

Rocking Chair, 1/8 L Pivot Turn x2
1-4Rock fwd on R (1), recover on L(2), rock back on R(3), recover on L(4) (12:00)
5-8Step fwd R(5), Pivot 1/8L onto L(6), Step fwd R(7), Pivot 1/8L onto L(8) (9:00)

K-Step with claps
1-4Step R on fwd diag(1), touch L (clap)(2), Step L back home(3), touch R(clap) (4)
(Go to Tag 2 here on 5th time through the section (9:00))
5-8Step R on back diag(5), touch L (clap) (6). Step L back home (7), touch R (clap) (8) (9:00)

TAG 1 Diagonal step fwd R(1), touch L (clap)(2), Diagonal step fwd L(3), touch R (clap) (4) (6:00)

PART B 16 counts
Heel Bounce x4, Swivel R (optional Rstep-Ltogether-Rstep-Ltogether)
1-4Raise both heels up and down 4 times with arms raised above the head pushing up
5-8Swivel heels R(5), swivel toes R(6), swivel heels R(7), swivel toes R(8) Weight shifts to the left foot (6:00)

Grapevine R, Grapevine ¼ turn L
1-4Step R to R side(1), L behind(2), R to side(3), Step L(4) (6:00)
5-8Step L to L side(5), R behind(6), L 1/4 turn L (7), Step R(8) (3:00)

TAG 2 (9:00)
Shuffle back R/L, Rock/Recover, Shuffle Fwd R
1&2Step back on R(1), step L next to R(&), step back on R(2)
3&4Step back on L(3), step R next to L(&), step back on L(4)
5-6Rock back on R(5), recover on L(6)
7&8Step fwd on R(7). step L next to R(&), step fwd on R(8) (9:00)

Shuffle fwd L, Rocking Chair, ¼ Pivot L
1&2Step fwd on L(1), step R next to L(&), step fwd on L(2)
3-6Rock fwd on R (3), recover on L(4), rock back on R(5), recover on L(6) (9:00)
7-8Step fwd R, ¼ L pivot to L (6:00)

Cross, Side, Behind, Side
1-3&Cross R over L(1), step L beside R(2), step R behind L(3), step L to side(&) (6:00) End of Dance
At the end of the 5th iteration of Part B (3:00), step fwd with R, ¼ pivot L onto L foot, and bounce once (12:00)

I was trying to keep the steps basic, while staying with the feel of the music. It ended up being a harder level than I was expecting with the phases and tags.



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