CopperKnob Stepsheets

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How Do You Do?

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EWS Winson (MY), Belle Lee (MY), Shirley Bang (MY), Theresa Ooi Ghim Choon (MY) & Tan Lizzie (MY) - December 2023
How Do You Do - Boom
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Intro : 32 counts in (Approx 0.16 sec)
Note(s) : This dance can be done as a normal line dance or contra dance. There are 3 Restarts and 2 Tags.
All Restarts happen on Wall 1, Wall 4 and Wall 7 after 32 counts. Both Tags happen at the end of Wall 2 and Wall 5.
Sequence : 32, 64, Tag, 64, 32, 64, Tag, 64, 32, 64

#1 (1-8) R-L Double Side Hip Bumps, R-L Side Hip Bumps
1-4Weight on LF: Bump hips to R side X2 (1-2), bump hips to L side X2 (3-4) 12.00
5-8Bump hips to R-L-R-L sides (5-6-7-8) 12.00

#2 (9-16) R-L ‘K’ Step
1-4Step RF forward to R diagonal (1), touch L toes beside RF and clap your partner’s hands (2), step LF back to L diagonal (3), touch R toes beside LF and clap both hands (4) 12.00
5-8Step RF back to R diagonal (5), touch L toes beside RF and clap both hands (6), step LF forward to L diagonal (7), touch R toes beside LF and clap both hands (8) 12.00

#3 (17-24) R Rolling Vine (R), L Touch and Clap, L Rolling Vine (L), R Touch and Clap
1-4Turn ¼ R stepping RF forward (1), turn ½ R stepping LF back (2), turn ¼ R stepping RF to R side (3), touch L toes beside RF and clap both hands (4) 12.00
5-8Turn ¼ L stepping LF forward (5), turn ½ L stepping RF back (6), turn ¼ L stepping LF to L side (7), touch R toes beside LF and clap both hands (8) 12.00

#4 (25-32) R-L Forward Shuffle, R Pivot ½ (L) with R Forward, L Stomp
1-4Step RF forward (1), close LF next to RF (&), step RF forward (2), step LF forward (3), close RF next to LF (&), step LF forward (4) - you should be traveling past your partner over R shoulder 12.00
5-8Step RF forward (5), turn ½ L over L shoulder (6), step RF forward (7), stomp LF beside RF and raise both hands in the air (8) *** 6.00
Restart here on Wall 1, Wall 4 and Wall 7.

#5 (33-40) R Cross, L Forward Diagonal Kick, L Behind, R Side, L Cross, R Forward Diagonal Kick, R Behind, L Side
1-4Cross RF over LF (1), kick LF forward to L diagonal (2), cross LF behind RF (3), step RF to R side (4) 6.00
5-8Cross LF over RF (5), kick RF forward to R diagonal (6), cross RF behind LF (7), step LF to L side (8) 6.00

#6 (41-48) R Jazz Box Cross with R-L Toes Strutted
1-4Cross touch R toes over LF (1), cross RF over LF (2), touch L toes back (3), step LF back (4) 6.00
5-8Touch R toes to R side (5), step RF in place (6), cross touch L toes over RF (7), cross LF over RF (8) 6.00

#7 (49-56) R Side Rock Cross, Hold, L Side Rock Cross, Hold
1-4Rock RF to R side (1), recover weight on LF (2), cross RF over LF (3), hold for 1 count (4) 6.00
5-8Rock LF to L side (5), recover weight on RF (6), cross LF over RF (7), hold for 1 count (8) 6.00

#8 (57-64) R Side Shimmy, L Touch and Clap, L Side Shimmy, R Touch and Clap
1-4Shimmy shoulders to R side for 3 counts (1-2-3), touch L toes beside RF and clap both hands (4) 6.00
5-8Shimmy shoulders to L side for 3 counts (5-6-7), touch R toes beside LF and clap both hands (8) *** 6.00

Tag here at the end of Wall 2 and Wall 5.
R Pivot ½ (L) X2
1-4Step RF forward (1), turn ½ L over L shoulder (2), step RF forward (3), turn ½ L over L shoulder (4)


BillB December 29, 2023

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