[1-8] Heel switches and paddle to back wall:
1-2Touch R heel out diagonal R, return to L foot
3-4Touch L heel out diagonal L, return to R foot
5-8R paddle x3 turning L to face back wall
[9-16] Hip bumps:
9-10Hip bumps R x2
11-12Hip bumps L x2
13-16Alternate hip bumps R-L-R-L
[17-24] Three-point turns:
17-18Side step R while ½ turning R to face front wall, then side step L
19-20Continue ½ turn R to side step R facing back wall again, then L foot together to R
21-22Side step L while ½ turning L to face front wall, then side step R
23-24Continue ¾ turn L to side step L facing R wall, R foot together to L
Restart (Walls 2 and 5)
[25-32] Vine steps R and L:
25-28Vine R, L behind, side step R, L toe together while clapping
29-32Vine L, R behind, side step L, R toe together while clapping
*Tag: on Walls 3, 6, 7, and 8
*Repeat 25-32 (Vine steps)
Last Update - 19 Dec. 2023 - R1
1-2Touch R heel out diagonal R, return to L foot
3-4Touch L heel out diagonal L, return to R foot
5-8R paddle x3 turning L to face back wall
[9-16] Hip bumps:
9-10Hip bumps R x2
11-12Hip bumps L x2
13-16Alternate hip bumps R-L-R-L
[17-24] Three-point turns:
17-18Side step R while ½ turning R to face front wall, then side step L
19-20Continue ½ turn R to side step R facing back wall again, then L foot together to R
21-22Side step L while ½ turning L to face front wall, then side step R
23-24Continue ¾ turn L to side step L facing R wall, R foot together to L
Restart (Walls 2 and 5)
[25-32] Vine steps R and L:
25-28Vine R, L behind, side step R, L toe together while clapping
29-32Vine L, R behind, side step L, R toe together while clapping
*Tag: on Walls 3, 6, 7, and 8
*Repeat 25-32 (Vine steps)
Last Update - 19 Dec. 2023 - R1