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#24 Count Intro
SEC 1 Point, Touch, Heel, Together, Point, Touch, Heel, Together
1-2Point right to right, touch right beside left
3-4Touch right heel forward, step right beside left
5-6Point left to left, touch left beside right
7-8Touch left heel forward, step left beside right
SEC 2 Back Strut x4
1-2Touch right back, drop right heel transferring weight onto right
3-4Touch left back, drop left heel transferring weight onto left
5-6Touch right back, drop right heel transferring weight onto right
7-8Touch left back, drop left heel transferring weight onto left
SEC 3 Stomp, Fan x3, Vine Touch
1-2Stomp right forward, twist right toes to right
3-4Twist right toes to left, twist right toes to right transferring weight onto right
5-6Step left to left, step right behind left
7-8Step left to left, touch right beside left
SEC 4 Making ¼ Turn Point Forward, Together x4
1-2Point right forward, step right beside left
3-4Turn ⅛ left point left forward, step left beside right (10:30)
5-6Point right forward, step right beside left
7-8Turn ⅛ left point left forward, step left beside right (9:00)
SEC 5 Step Diagonal, Lock, Step, Brush, Step Diagonal, Lock, Step, Touch
1-2Step right forward to right diagonal, lock left behind right
3-4Step right forward, brush left forward
5-6Step left forward to left diagonal, lock right behind left
7-8Step left forward, touch right beside left
SEC 6 Step Back Diagonal, Touch x4
1-2Step right back to right diagonal, touch left beside right
3-4Step left back to left diagonal, touch right beside left
5-6Step right back to right diagonal, touch left beside right
7-8Step left back to left diagonal, touch right beside left
Ending On Count 8 of Wall 9, place left hand on left hip and salute with right hand
#24 Count Intro
SEC 1 Point, Touch, Heel, Together, Point, Touch, Heel, Together
1-2Point right to right, touch right beside left
3-4Touch right heel forward, step right beside left
5-6Point left to left, touch left beside right
7-8Touch left heel forward, step left beside right
SEC 2 Back Strut x4
1-2Touch right back, drop right heel transferring weight onto right
3-4Touch left back, drop left heel transferring weight onto left
5-6Touch right back, drop right heel transferring weight onto right
7-8Touch left back, drop left heel transferring weight onto left
SEC 3 Stomp, Fan x3, Vine Touch
1-2Stomp right forward, twist right toes to right
3-4Twist right toes to left, twist right toes to right transferring weight onto right
5-6Step left to left, step right behind left
7-8Step left to left, touch right beside left
SEC 4 Making ¼ Turn Point Forward, Together x4
1-2Point right forward, step right beside left
3-4Turn ⅛ left point left forward, step left beside right (10:30)
5-6Point right forward, step right beside left
7-8Turn ⅛ left point left forward, step left beside right (9:00)
SEC 5 Step Diagonal, Lock, Step, Brush, Step Diagonal, Lock, Step, Touch
1-2Step right forward to right diagonal, lock left behind right
3-4Step right forward, brush left forward
5-6Step left forward to left diagonal, lock right behind left
7-8Step left forward, touch right beside left
SEC 6 Step Back Diagonal, Touch x4
1-2Step right back to right diagonal, touch left beside right
3-4Step left back to left diagonal, touch right beside left
5-6Step right back to right diagonal, touch left beside right
7-8Step left back to left diagonal, touch right beside left
Ending On Count 8 of Wall 9, place left hand on left hip and salute with right hand