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Ex's and Oh's

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Ron Harris (CAN) - November 2023
Ex's & Oh's - Elle King
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Dance starts on the lyrics, 16 counts into the music

***3 tags and one restart. See below to help easily identify each tag and the restart.
I have used the word tag rather than using the term part B

Section 1: 1 - 8 Lindy to the right Lindy to the left (shuffle to the R rock recover shuffle to the left rock recover)
1&2Step RF to R side, Step LF next to RF, Step RF to the R
3-4Rock LF behind RF, Recover weight on RF
5&6Step LF to L side, Step RF next to LF, Step LF to the L
7-8Rock RF behind LF, Recover weight on LF

Section 2: 9 - 16 Rocking Chair, Jazz Box turning ¼ Turn R
1-2Rock forward on RF, recover onto LF
3-4Rock back on RF, recover onto LF
5-6Cross RF over LF, step back on the LF making ⅛ turn right
7-8step RF to the right making ⅛ turn right, step LF beside RF

Section 3: 17 - 24 - Vine To the Right Vine To the Left
1-2Step R to the right, Step L behind R
3-4Step R to the right Touch L beside R
5-6Step L to the left. Step R behind L
7-8Step L to the left Touch R beside L

Section 4: 25 to 32 Toe Strut Forward x2, V Step Out, Out, In, In
1-2Touch R toe forward, drop R heel, weighting R
3-4Touch L toe forward, drop L heel, weighting L
5-6Step R forward and out, step L forward and out
7-8Step back on R, step L next to R

The tags are on wall 3 and 7 which are the 6 o’clock positions the first and second times at the 6 o’clock position
The third tag is on wall 10 the 3 o’clock position after an interval of instumental music.
The tags occur when the vocalist sings “one, two, three, they gonna run back to me”

The restart is after 16 counts on wall 4 when you turn onto the 12 o’clock position. .

The Tags 16 counts x 2
1-4Walk forward RF, walk forward LF, Walk forward RF, touch LF beside RF
5-8Walk back LF, walk Back RF, Walk back LF, touch RF beside LF
9-12step RF to the right, step LF beside RF, step RF to the right, touch LF beside RF,
13- 16step LF to the left, step RF beside LF , Step LF to the left touch RF beside LF

Repeat step 1 to 16 to complete tag

When I taught this dance to my group I did not tell them there were three tags and that the tag had 32 counts as this would have caused them to think it was too difficult a dance. I taught the 32 counts of the dance and then put on the music and we danced until place of the first tag and then stopped dancing. I asked them if they noticed a change of phrasing. So let’s put in something differ-ent there. I showed them the 16 steps of the tag and told them to repeat it twice each time. I told them when the tags occurred and I would call it out. We started the dance again and danced right through with no problem. I also old them that the restart will be at the 12 o’clock position the next time you get there. Have fun.


nona November 29, 2023
Very nicely choreographed!

Abby2010 April 4, 2024
Lovely dance and fits well to the music

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