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Elephant In The Room

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Mathew Sinyard (UK) - October 2023
Elephant in the Room (feat. Teddy Swims) - Mitchell Tenpenny
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Intro: 16 counts - Restart on wall 2

Section 1 Forward Rock, Recover, Out Out Back, Back Rock, Recover, ½, ¼.
1 2Rock forward on right, recover on to left (12:00).
& 3 4Step right out to side, step left out to side, step back on right (12:00).
5 6Rock back on left, recover on to right (12:00).
7 8½ turn right stepping back on left, ¼ turn right stepping right to side (9:00).

Section 2 Cross Rock, Recover, Ball Cross Side, Touch Behind, Look ½ (x2), Unwind ½.
1 2Cross rock left in front of right, recover on to right (9:00).
& 3 4Ball step left beside right, cross right in front of left, step left to side (9:00).
5 6Touch right behind left, look a ½ right looking over right shoulder.
7 8look a ½ turn left looking forward, unwind ½ turn right on to right (3:00).

Section 3 ¼ Side Rock, Recover, Behind Side Cross, Side Drag, Ball Cross Side.
1 2¼ turn right rocking left to side, recover on to right (6:00).
3 & 4Cross left behind right, step right to side, cross left in front of right (6:00).
5 6Step right to side, drag left towards right (6:00).
& 7 8Ball step left beside right, cross right in front of left, step left to side (6:00).

Section 4 Diagonal Back Bumps, Back Rock, Recover, Forward, ½ Back, 1/8 Chassé.
1 & 2Step diagonally back on right bumping hips back, forward, back (7:30).
3 4Rock back on left, recover on to right (7:30).
5 6Step forward on left, ½ turn left stepping back on right (1:30).
7 & 81/8 turn left stepping left to side, close right beside left, step left to side (12:00).

Section 5 Cross Hold, Ball Heel, Ball Cross, Side, Hold, Behind Side Cross.
1 2Cross right in front of left, hold (12:00).
& 3 & 4Ball step left to side, tap right heel to right diagonal, ball step right beside left, cross left in front of right (12:00).
5 6Step right to side, hold (12:00).
7 & 8Cross left behind right, step right to side, cross left in front of right (12:00).

Section 6 ¼ Right, ½ Back, Coaster Step, Walk Forward Left Right, Ball Walk Forward Right Left.
1 2¼ turn right stepping forward on right, ½ turn right stepping back on left (9:00).
3 & 4Step back on right, close left beside right, step forward on right (9:00).
5 6Step forward left, step forward right (9:00).
& 7 8Ball step left beside right, step forward right, step forward left (9:00).
**Restart here wall 2 (facing 12:00)**

Section 7 Forward Rock, Recover, Shuffle ½, ¼ Side Drag, Ball Cross Point.
1 2Rock forward on right, recover on to left (9:00).
3 & 4¼ turn right stepping right to side, close left beside right, ¼ right stepping forward on right (3:00).
5 6¼ turn right stepping left to side, drag right towards left (6:00).
& 7 8Ball step right beside left, cross left in front of right, point right to side (6:00).

Section 8 Sailor Step, Behind ¼, Forward Rock, Recover, Ball Step Pivot ½.
1 2Cross right behind left, step left to side, step right to side (6:00).
3 4Cross left behind right, ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (9:00).
5 6Rock forward on left, recover on to right (9:00).
& 7 8Ball Step left beside right, Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left (3:00).


Ending - on wall 5 Replace Counts ‘& 7 8’ in section 8 with a ball pivot ¼ to finish at 12:00.

Have Fun & Enjoy x. 😊


Suzi Beau January 5, 2024
Love this x😍

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