CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Pick Out A Song!

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Stephen Paterson (AUS) - August 2023
Dance With You - Brett Young : (Album: Across The Sheets)
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start dance after 16 count instrumental intro

[1 - 8] Dorothy Right, Rock L Across, Recover, Ball Cross, Side Shuffle Quarter, Rock Back
1 2 &Step right into R45, lock step left behind right, step right into R45 (&) (body to 11.00 on dorothy)
3 4Rock step left across right (keep foot facing 12.00), recover back onto right in place
& 5Step ball of left out to side (&), step right across left
6 & 7Step left out to side, turn 1/8 right stepping right beside left (&), turn 1/8 right then step left back
8Rock step right back popping left knee forward (3.00)

[9 - 16] Recover, Half Locking Shuffle, Half Forward, Rock Forward, Recover, Together, Rock Back, Recover, Together
1Recover forward onto left in place
2 & 3Turn 1/4 left then step right out to side, step left across right (&), turn 1/4 left then step left back
4* Turn 1/2 left then step left forward * (3.00)
5 6 &Rock step right forward, recover back onto left in place, step right beside right (&)
7 8 &Rock step left back #, recover forward onto right in place, step left beside right (&) (3.00)
(# on the chorus, low kick right forward on count 15, lyrics say kick off your shoes)

[17 - 24] Step, Pivot Quarter, Cross, Quarter Back, Quarter Side Shuffle, Eighth Mambo, Back,
1 2 &Step right forward, pivot ¼ left taking weight onto left in place, step right across left (&) (12.00)
3Turn 1/4 right then step left back (3.00)
4 & 5Turn 1/4 right then step right out to side, step left beside right (&), step right out to side (6.00)
6 &Turn 1/8 right then rock step left forward, recover weight back onto right in place (&) (7.30)
7 8Step left back sweeping right, step right back sweeping left

[25 - 32] Back, Rock Back, Recover, Side, Rock Behind, Recover, Side, Behind, Quarter, Step, Pivot Half
1 2 &Step left back sweeping right, Rock step right back, recover forward onto left in place (&),
3Turn 1/8 left then step right out to side (6.00)
4 & 5Rock step left behind right, recover forward onto right in place (&), step left out to side (6.00)
6 &** Step right behind left, turn 1/4 left then step left forward (&) ** (3.00)
7 8Step right forward, pivot 1/2 left taking weight onto left in place (9.00)

Restart One: On wall 3 (starting to the back) dance up to count 12, then restart to 9 o’clock wall.
Restart Two: On wall 6 (starting to 3 o’clock wall) dance up to count 30, then restart to 6 o’clock wall.

Ending: Last Wall (Wall 9 starting to the front) dance your right dorothy (1 2 &), then step forward Left, drag right toe in behind


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