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Fire On Up

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Phrased Advanced
Fred Whitehouse (IRE) & Shane McKeever (N.IRE) - September 2023
Fire on Up - Paper Kings
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Intro: 32 counts from first clear beat in music. App. 13 secs. into track. Start with weight on L foot
Sequence: A1, A2, B, B, C, A1, A2, B, B, Tag, Tag, B, B, C.
Note: A1 is always followed by A2. Only difference between them is the last 8 counts. See below

A1 Part: 32 counts, 1 wall
[1 – 8] Press R&L to diagonals, R kick ball step, skate RL
1 – 4Press R to R diagonal (1), step R next to L (2), press L to L diagonal (3), step L next to R (4) 12:00
5&6Kick R fwd (5), step down on R (&), step L fwd (6) 12:00
7 - 8Skate R fwd (7), skate L fwd (8) … Styling: bend knees during skates 12:00

[9 – 16] Hitch R, R jazz box, fwd L, flick hitch with slaps, ¼ L fwd R, bounce ½ L
1Hitch R knee across L (1) 12:00
2&3 – 4Cross R over L (2), step back on L (&), step R to R side (3), step L fwd (4) 12:00
5&6Flick R foot out R slapping foot with R hand (5), hitch R knee slapping knee with L hand (&), turn ¼ L stepping down on R (6) 9:00
&7&8Lift heels off the floor (&), lower heels turning ¼ L (7), lift heels off the floor (&), lower heels turning ¼ L making sure weight is on L (8) 3:00

[17 – 24] ¼ L back R, hitch slap, back L, hitch slap, ¼ R step slide, ball cross, ¼ L fwd L
1 – 2Turn ¼ L stepping back on R (1), hitch L knee slapping knee with R hand (2) 12:00
3 – 4Step back on L (3), hitch R knee slapping knee with L hand (4) 12:00
5 – 6Turn ¼ R stepping R a big step to R side (5), slide L towards R (6) 3:00
&7 – 8Step L next to R (&), cross R over L (7), turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (8) 12:00

[25 – 32] R V-step, cross heel touch, point R, down, up and step L next to R
1 – 4Step R to R diagonal (1), step L to L diagonal (2), step R back to centre (3), step L back to centre (4) 12:00
5 – 6Cross touch R heel over L (5), point R to R side (6) 12:00
7 – 8Bend in knees transferring weight to R (7), straighten in knees stepping L next to R (8) 12:00

A2 Part: 32 counts, 1 wall (counts 1-24 are like A1, the only difference is counts 25-32)
[25 – 32] R fwd with arms up, L to L side with arms to sides, crisscross arms down, R back rock & arms down, arms up, recover on L placing R hand on heart, L hand on heart
1 – 2Step R fwd throwing both arms up with palms up (1-2) 12:00
3Push arms out to both sides stepping L to L side (3) 12:00
4&Move arms down crossing L over R and R to L side (4), move both arms to each side palms facing down (&) 12:00
5 – 6Rock R back starting to move arms up keeping palms facing down (5), arms finish at chest level (6) 12:00
7 – 8Recover on L placing R hand on heart (7), place L hand on top of R hand (8) 12:00

B Part: 32 counts/2 walls
[1 – 8] Sway body R, sway LR, full pencil turn L, walk RL with cutting arms/hands
1 – 2Push off L foot swaying body to R side (1-2) 12:00
3 – 4Sway body L (3), sway body R and prepping body R (4) 12:00
5 – 6Turn ¼ L stepping onto L (5), touch R foot next to L turning ¾ L on L foot (6) 12:00
7 – 8Walk R fwd slashing R hand down L (7), walk L fwd slashing R hand down R (8) 12:00

[9 – 16] Diamond shaped hands up/down, push arms to L, turn 5/8 R w R leg lift, ball walk LR
1 – 2Step R fwd and bring both hands up to head height creating the shape of a diamond with tips of R&L thumbs touching each other … Note: all fingers must be pointing up (1), tilt fingers down keeping the diamond figure (2) 12:00
3&4Keeping hands in the diamond shape step L to L side pushing R elbow up (3), push L elbow up waving arms to the L side… (&), push R elbow down and push both arms to the L side 12:00 with the finger tips pointing to the L side having created a body prep to 10:30 (4)
5 – 6Start turning 5/8 R on L foot lifting R leg (5), finish turn (6) 7:30
&7 – 8Step down on R (&), walk L fwd (7), walk R fwd (8) 7:30

[17 – 24] Rock LRL with R arabesque and flame arms, back R, 1/8 L side L, R cross shuffle
1 – 2Rock L fwd pushing both hands fwd at chest height (1), recover on R pushing arms back with palms up and at head height (2) 7:30
3 – 4Rock L fwd pushing hands fwd and above head height (3), lift R leg up with a straight leg (4) 7:30
5 – 6Step back on R (5), turn 1/8 L stepping L to L side (6) 6:00
7&8Cross R over L (7), step L to L side (&), cross R over L (8) 6:00

[25 – 32] Rock LRL with R arabesque and flame arms, back RL, R kick ball cross with 1/8 R
1 – 2Turn 1/8 L rocking L fwd and pushing both hands fwd at chest height (1), recover on R pushing arms back with palms up and at head height (2) 4:30
3 – 4Rock L fwd pushing hands fwd and above head height (3), lift R leg up with a straight leg (4) 4:30
5 – 6Step back on R (5), step back on L (6) 4:30
7&8Turn 1/8 R kicking R fwd (7), step down on R (&), cross L over R (8) 6:00

Note: during the first B after the last tag you change the timing and some of the steps from counts 25-32:
[25 – 32] Rock LRL with R arabesque and flame arms, back R, behind side cross with 1/8 R
1 – 2Turn 1/8 L rocking L fwd and pushing both hands fwd at chest height (1-2) 4:30
3 – 4Recover on R pushing arms back with palms up and at head height (3-4) 4:30
5 – 6Rock L fwd pushing both hands fwd and above head lifting R leg up with a straight leg (5-6) 4:30
7 – 8Step back on R (7), turn 1/8 R stepping L next to R (8) 6:00

C Part: 32 counts/1 wall (note: counts 17-32 are the same as counts 1-16 but just on the other foot)
1 – 8R step touch, ¼ L step touch, ¼ L side R, L sailor ½ L, side R
1 – 2Step R to R side (1), touch L next to R (2) 12:00
3 – 5Turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (3), touch R next to L (4), turn ¼ L stepping R to R side (5) 6:00
6&7 – 8Cross L behind R (6), turn ¼ L stepping R next to L (&), turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (7), step R to R side (8) 12:00

[9 – 16] L cross heel touch, side L, R cross heel touch, side R, L jazz box, R cross over L
1 – 4Cross touch L heel over R (1), step L to L side (2), cross touch R heel over L (3), step R to R side (4) 12:00
5 – 8Cross L over R (5), step back on R (6), step L to L side (7), cross R over L (8) 12:00

[17 – 24] L step touch, ¼ R step touch, ¼ R side L, R sailor ½ R, side L
1 – 2Step L to L side (1), touch R next to L (2) 12:00
3 – 5Turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (3), touch L next to R (4) turn ¼ R stepping L to L side (5) 6:00
6&7 – 8Cross R behind L (6), turn ¼ R stepping L next to R (&), turn ¼ R stepping R fwd (7), step L to L side (8) 12:00

[25 – 32] R cross heel touch, side R, L cross heel touch, side L, R jazz box, L cross over R
1 – 4Cross touch R heel over L (1), step R to R side (2), cross touch L heel over R (3), step L to L side (4) 12:00
5 – 8Cross R over L (5), step back on L (6), step R to R side (7), cross L over R (8) 12:00

Tag: 16 counts/2 walls (Tag comes twice, facing 12:00 and 6:00, right after each other)
[1 – 8] Fwd R hitch L, Hold, out out LR, down L & roll arms from down and up, clap hands, slap RL thighs, clap hands over head and hitch L knee
1 – 2Step R towards R diagonal hitching L knee (1), Hold (2) 12:00
&3Step down and out L (&), step down on R (3) 12:00
4 – 5Change weight to L with body facing L diagonal and start to roll arms backwards starting at hip height (4), finish rolling arms upwards (5) 12:00
6&7 – 8Clap hands changing weight to R (6), bend in knees clapping R thigh with R hand (&), clap L thigh with L hand (7), change weight to R hitching L knee and clap hands above head (8) 12:00

[9 – 16] Cross, Hold, back side fwd, ½ L pushing L arm through, RL fwd & together, body roll
1 – 2Cross L over R (1), HOLD (2) 12:00
&3 – 4Step back on R (&), step L to L side (3), step R fwd (4) 12:00
5 – 6Start turning ½ L on R bringing L arm fwd with palm opened up to L side start pushing L arm to L side (5), change weight to L finishing arm push (6) 6:00
&7 – 8Step R fwd (&), step L next to R bending in both knees (7), roll body from down and up (8) 6:00

Ending Finish dance with count 32 of your last C section. Step R to R side ending at 12:00 again 12:00


BimboBoots November 11, 2023
Need a challenge!?! Look at this ABCTag phrased advanced dance. Frequently the "advanced" dances have not been anywhere reflective of the tagged script status. Fire On Up is advanced and then some.... but with some practice, oxygen and defibrillator you'll tame this beast. Really interesting step sequences, some arms that really stretch my abilities, clever musicality and rhythmic nods. Wow! Wow! WOW!

Jessica πŸ­πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ November 23, 2023
Copy that! πŸ˜ƒ ‴️ Love it! / Jessica πŸ­πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ

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