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Is This Love?

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Fred Whitehouse (IRE) - September 2023
Is This Love (Acoustic) - Luke Burr : (iTunes)
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Intro: Start almost immediately: on YOU in the lyrics ‘I wanna love YOU’. Start with weight on R foot and facing 10:30

[1 – 9] Rock fwd L, run back RL, ¼ sway x 3, 5/8 L arabesque, ½ L, fwd L (arms out + hug)
1 – 2&Rock L fwd pointing R index finger fwd (1), recover back on R (2), step back on L (&) 10:30
3 – 4&Turn ¼ R stepping R to R side with a R body sway (3), sway body L (4), sway body R (&) 1:30
5Turn 5/8 L stepping back on L lifting R leg up with a straight leg (5) 6:00
6&7Step down on R (6), turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (&), turn ¼ L stepping R fwd (7) 12:00
8&1Step L fwd placing R hand fwd (8), place L hand fwd (&), hug body dragging R next to L (1) 12:00

[10 – 16] Back RL, ¼ R into R side rock, behind ¼ L fwd, ¼ L lunge R, full turn L into L basic NC
2&3&Step R back lifting L leg (2), step L back (&), turn ¼ R rocking R to R side (3), recover L (&) 3:00
4&5Cross R behind L (4), turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (&), turn ¼ L lunging R to R side putting palms together placing hands on R chin (5) 9:00
6&Turn ¼ L stepping fwd on L (6), turn ½ L stepping back on R (&) 12:00
7 – 8&Turn ¼ L stepping L a big step to L side (7), step R behind L (8), cross L over R (&) 9:00

[17 – 25] ¼ L touch, run back RLR sweep, behind side, 1/8 R step turns, run RL, 1/8 L lunge R
1 – 2&3Turn ¼ on L touching R next to L and rolling body from head and down (1), step back on R (2), step back on L (&), step back on R sweeping L out to L side (3) 6:00
4&Cross L behind R (4), step R to R side (&) 6:00
5&6&Turn 1/8 R stepping L fwd (5), turn ½ R onto R (&), step L fwd (6), turn ½ R onto R (&) 7:30
7Step L fwd bring both hands in front of your chest touching together and bring them over your head (7) 7:30
8&1Step R fwd (8), step L fwd (&), turn 1/8 L lunging R to R side (1) …
Styling: raise your arms over your head opening arms out to the side 6:00

[26 – 33] L rolling vine, R cross rock, R basic, side L ½ spiral R, run around ¾ R w kick
2&3Turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (2), turn ½ L stepping back on R (&), turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (3) 6:00
4&Cross rock R over L (4), recover back on L (&) 6:00
5 – 6&Step R a big step to R side (5), close L behind R (6), cross R over L (&) 6:00
7Step L to L side spiralling ½ R on L ending with R hooked in front of L (7) 12:00
8&1Turn ¼ R stepping R fwd (8), turn ¼ R stepping L fwd (&), turn ¼ R stepping R fwd lifting your L from back to front (1) 9:00

[34 – 40] Unwind full turn, behind side cross rock, 1/8 R side rock, behind sweep, behind side
2 – 3Turn 1/8 R crossing L over R (2), unwind full turn R on L sweeping R out to R side (3) 10:30
4&5&Cross R behind L (4), step L to L side (&), cross rock R over L (5), recover on L (&) 10:30
6&7Turn 1/8 R rocking R to R side (6), recover L (&), cross R behind L sweeping L to L side (7) 12:00
8&Cross L behind R (8), step R to R side (&) 12:00

[41 – 48] L&R cross rock side, walk LR, out LR, drag together, ½ R sweep L, run LR
1&aCross rock L over R (1), recover on R (&), step L to L side (a) … Styling: place both hands on your heart 12:00
2&aCross rock R over L (2), recover on L (&), step R to R side (a) … Styling: place both hands on your heart 12:00
3 – 4Drop hands walking L fwd (3), walk R fwd (4) 12:00
&5 – 6Step L out to L side (&), step R out to R side (5), recover on L dragging R next to L (6) …
Styling: push L hand out to L side (&), push R hand out to R side (5), hug body with arms (6) 12:00
7 – 8&Turn ¼ R stepping R fwd continuing to sweep L another ¼ R (7), step L fwd (8), step R fwd (&) 6:00

[49 – 56] L&R cross rock side, walk LR, out LR, drag together, ½ R sweep L, run LR
1&aCross rock L over R (1), recover on R (&), step L to L side (a) … Styling: place both hands on your heart 6:00
2&aCross rock R over L (2), recover on L (&), step R to R side (a) … Styling: place both hands on your heart 6:00
3 – 4Drop hands walking L fwd (3), walk R fwd (4) 6:00
&5 – 6Step L out to L side (&), step R out to R side (5), recover on L dragging R next to L (6) …
Styling: push L hand out to L side (&), push R hand out to R side (5), hug body with arms (6) 6:00
7 – 8&Turn ¼ R stepping R fwd continuing to sweep L another ¼ R (7), step L fwd (8), step R fwd (&) 12:00

[57 – 64] L lunge, ¼ R pose, ½ R back, ½ R fwd pose, full turn R, press L, back R, L side rock, behind, R side rock, behind side
1 – 2&3Lunge L to L side (1), turn ¼ R stepping R fwd hitching L knee (2), turn ½ R stepping back on L (&), turn ½ R stepping R fwd hitching L knee (3) 3:00
&4&Turn ½ R stepping back on L (&), turn ½ R stepping fwd on R (4), rock L fwd raising R leg back in an arabesque (&) … Styling: raise L arm up 3:00
5&6&Recover back on R (5), rock L to L side (&), recover on R (6), cross L behind R (&) 3:00
7&8&Rock R to R side (7), recover on L (&), cross R behind L (8), step L to L side dragging R towards L (&) … Note: from counts 5 to 8& you travel slightly backwards 3:00

[65 – 72] Run around ¾ R & sweep, cross side, L back rock, ¼ R X 2 sweep, cross side
1&2&3Run RLRLR fwd in a ¾ circle around ending with a L sweep fwd (1&2&3) 12:00
4&Cross L over R (4), step R to R side (&) 12:00
5 – 6Rock back on L opening body up to L diagonal (5), recover on R (6) 12:00
&7Turn ¼ R stepping back on L (&), turn ¼ R stepping R to R side sweeping L fwd (7) 6:00
8&Cross L over R (8), step R to R side (&) 6:00

[73 – 80] L back rock, ¼ R back, ¼ R side, RL hands on table, throw arms up, lunge R, rolling L
1 – 2Rock back on L opening body up to L diagonal (1), recover on R (2) … Styling for count 1: Look over L shoulder towards 12:00 pointing with L index finger to your L eye as he sings ‘I’ 6:00
&3Turn ¼ R stepping back on L (&), turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (3) 12:00
4&5&Place R hand fwd with palm down (4), place L hand fwd with palm down (&), cross hands over each other (5), return hands back to sides (&) 12:00
6 – 7Throw arms up above head with palms up (6), throw arms down to R side lunging R to R side (7) 12:00
8&(1) Turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (8), turn ½ L stepping back on R (&) …
Note: to start the dance again facing 10:30 you turn 3/8 L on R rocking L fwd (1) 10:30

Start again!

2023 24 OCT 8


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